Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 9
Showing: Items 1 - 9
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Systaemes d information geographique)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analyses morphologiques et aerodynamiques du tissu urbain : application aa la micro-climatologie de Marseille pendant la campagne ESCOMPTE / 2003
Environmental modeling with GIS / 1993
Geographic information systems for geoscientists : modelling with GIS / 1994
Geographical information systems and science / 2005
Getting to know ArcGIS for desktop / 2013
Landscape ecology and geographic information systems / 1993
Spatial decision support systems : principles and practices / 2011
Wetland and environmental applications of GIS / 1995
What is ArcGIS 9.2?. 2006

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