Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Synergistic effects)

Select Item Title Year Published
Effects of oxidant and sulfate interaction on production of lung lesions / 1976
Effects of Photochemical Reaction Substances on Plants (Kokagaku Hanno Busshitsu no Shokubutsu ni Oyobosu Eikyo). 1974
Health Effects of Short-Term Inhalation of Nitrogen Dioxide and Ozone Mixtures. 1976
Increased Infectivity with Exposure to Ozone and Sulfuric Acid. 1977
Interaction between methyl mercury and radiation effects on nervous systems / 1977
Parathion Residues on Apple and Peach Foliage as Affected by the Presence of the Fungicides, Maneb and Zineb. 1977
Principles for Hygiene Atmospheric Pollution Standards. Chapter IX. (Glava IX. Printsipy Gigienicheskogo Normirovaniya Atmosfernykh Zagryaznenii). 1974
Synergistic effect of polonium-210 and cigarette smoke in rats / 1975
The status of indoor air pollution research 1976 / 1977
Toxicology of Ozone and Sulfuric Acid Aerosol during Their Combined Effect (K Toksikologii Ozona i Zerozolya Sernoi Kisloty pri Kombinirovannom Deistvii). 1961

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