Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sustainable Development)

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Select Item Title Year Published
147 practical tips for teaching sustainability : connecting the environment, the economy, and society / 2006
2005 Environmental sustainability index : benchmarking national environmental stewardship / 2005
2008 National award for smart growth achievement. 2008
2009 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement. 2009
2010 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement. 2010
2011 National award for smart growth achievement. 2011
2012 National award for smart growth achievement. 2012
2013 National Award for Smart Growth Achievement. 2014
21st century cooperation : regional public goods, global governance, and sustainable development / 2017
A & WMA's 101st annual conference & exhibition : integrating science and sustainability. 2008
A Broad, strategic framework for sustainable-ecosystem management / 1993
A Comparative Geography of China and the U.S. [electronic resource] / 2014
A field guide to sustainability : an introduction to sustainability concepts and a framework for decision making / 2003
A guidebook for sustainability performance measurement for transportation agencies / 2011
A planet to win : why we need a green new deal / 2019
A Review of the Florida Keys carrying capacity study / 2002
A salmon-centric view of the 21st century in the Western United States / 2003
A Smart Growth Bibliography : a Bibliography of Fiscal, Economic, Environmental, and Social Impact Methodologies and Models - By Category - / 1996
A Strategy for Using Multicriteria Analysis in Decision-Making A Guide for Simple and Complex Environmental Projects / [electronic resource] : 2011
A survey of ecological economics / 1995
A tidewater place : portrait of the Willapa ecosystem / 1993
A world of difference : encountering and contesting development / 2009
Aboriginal communities and non-renewable resource development / 2001
Abridged knowledge review 2008/09 : quenching the thirst for knowledge / 2009
Abridged knowledge review, 2006/07. 2007
Accounting for resources, 1 : economy-wide applications of mass-balance principles to materials and waste / 1998
Accounting for resources. 1999
Achieving a better quality of life : review of progress towards sustainable development : Government annual report 2000 / 2001
Acting as if tomorrow matters : accelerating the transition to sustainability / 2012
Action 21 abstracts reviews and commentaries / 1993
Adaptation to Climate Change and Sea Level Rise The Case Study of Coastal Communities in New Brunswick, Canada / [electronic resource] : 2015
Adaptation to Climate Change: A Spatial Challenge [electronic resource] / 2009
Advances in Research in Karst Media [electronic resource] / 2010
Africa's valuable assets : a reader in natural resource management / 1998
African biodiversity : foundation for the future : a framework for integrating biodiversity conservation and sustainable development / 1993
After the hurricane : linking recovery to sustainable development in the Caribbean / 1997
After UNCED '92 proposals for sustainable energy development : a review of energy reports and activities related to the Earth Summit / 1994
Agenda 21 : programme of action for sustainable development ; Rio Declaration on Environment and Development ; Statement of Forest Principles : the final text of agreements negotiated by governments at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), 3-14 June 1992, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 1993
Agenda 21 : the Earth Summit strategy to save our planet / 1994
Agenda 21 the Earth Summit strategy to save our planet / 1993
Agenda for a sustainable America / 2009
Agricultural Biomass Based Potential Materials [electronic resource] / 2015
Airport sustainability practices : a synthesis of airport practice / 2016
Airport sustainability practices : drivers and outcomes for small commercial and general aviation airports / 2016
Alternative Farming Systems, Biotechnology, Drought Stress and Ecological Fertilisation [electronic resource] / 2011
America's most sustainable cities and regions : surviving the 21st century megatrends / 2016
An annotated summary of climate change related resources. 2000
An economic framework for sustainability : a draft discussion paper for the citizens of British Columbia. 1993
An Ecosystem Approach to Sustainable Agriculture Energy Use Efficiency in the American South / [electronic resource] : 2013
An ecosystem charter for the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Basin : addendum, signatories and statements. 1997
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