Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sustainable Agriculture)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1990 state sustainable agriculture initiative reports. 1991
A biomass future for the North American Great Plains : toward sustainable land use and mitigation of greenhouse warming / 2007
A new age in agriculture: working together to create the future and dismantle the barriers : 2003 World Congress proceedings. 2004
Adaptive environmental management : a practitioner's guide / 2009
Agricultural policy and sustainability : case studies from India, Chile, the Philippines, and the United States / 1993
Agriculture and the environment. 1991
Agriculture in concert with the environment 1993 annual report of the ACE program / 1993
Agroecology : researching the ecological basis for sustainable agriculture / 1990
Agroecology : the ecology of sustainable food systems / 2014
Agroecosystem health : with special reference to the Consultative Group for International Research (CGIAR) / 1994
Amazon preservation project A New model of socially and responsible and sustainable development of the rain forest / 1995
An ecological assessment of insect diversity at organic central coast vegetable farms on two spatial scales / 2013
An ecosystem approach to sustainable agriculture : energy use efficiency in the American South / 2013
Asking the earth / 1990
Better row to hoe the economic, environmental, and social impact of sustainable agriculture. 1994
Beyond the drain : sustaining agriculture and improving water quality in California's San Joaquin Valley conference : proceedings : March 27, 2001, Sacramento Convention Center / 2001
Biofuel cropping systems : carbon, land, and food / 2014
Biotechnology and Sustainable Agriculture: Policy Alterinatives. 1989
Biting the hands that feed us : how fewer, smarter laws would make our food system more sustainable / 2016
Bittersweet harvests for global supermarkets : challenges in Latin America's agricultural export boom / 1995
Bugs in the system : redesigning the pesticide industry for sustainable agriculture / 1998
Caring for the green zone : riparian areas and grazing management / 1998
Certifiably sustainable? : the role of third-party certification systems : report of a workshop / 2010
Cultivating common ground : linking health and sustainable agriculture / 2004
Discussion course on choices for sustainable living. 1998
Earth and us : population, resources, environment, development / 1991
Eat where you live : how to find and enjoy local and sustainable food no matter where you live / 2008
Energy in agroecosystems : a tool for assessing sustainability / 2017
Environmental and agricultural modelling : integrated approaches for policy impact assessment / 2010
Environmental Resilience and Food Law Agrobiodiversity and Agroecology. [electronic resource] : 2019
Environmental sustainability resource guide / 2008
Environmentally sustainable viticulture : practices and practicality / 2015
Exploring sustainability in agriculture : ways to enhance profits, protect the environment and improve quality of life. 1997
Fair food : growing a healthy, sustainable food system for all / 2011
Farming in nature's image : an ecological approach to agriculture / 1992
Farming systems for Iowa seeking alternatives : Leopold Center for Sustainable Agriculture 1990 conference proceedings. 1990
Farming with the wild : enhancing biodiversity on farms and ranches / 2003
Feeding cities : improving local food access, security and resilience / 2017
Financial incentives needed to encourage adoption of sustainable agriculture / 1992
Food justice / 2013
Food production and environmental stewardship : examples of how food companies work with growers. 1998
Food, agriculture, and environmental law / 2013
For all generations : making world agriculture more sustainable / 1997
Fragile lands of Latin America strategies for sustainable development / 1989
From reclamation to sustainability : water, agriculture, and the environment in the American West / 1999
Fruits of progress : growing sustainable farming and food systems / 2002
Future Context of Sustainable Agriculture: Planning for Uncertainty. 1992
Growing into the 21st Century proceedings from the Second Sustainable Agriculture Symposium : July 20-22, 1992, Memphis, Tennessee. 1993
Guide to USDA and other Federal resources for sustainable agriculture and forestry enterprises : adding value to agriculture and forestry through new and alternative enterprises and supporting sustainable agriculture through conservation, credit, and community development / 1998
Integrated land use planning for sustainable agriculture and rural development / 2016
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