Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Supervision of employees)

Select Item Title Year Published
13 fatal errors managers make 1985
2008 federal manager's guide. 2008
2009 federal manager's guide. 2009
2015 federal manager's guide / 2015
A human resources guide for supervisors / 1999
Accountability : managing for maximum results / 2002
Best practices. bringing out the best in your people / Motivating employees : 2007
Beyond Generation X : a practical guide for managers / 1997
Coping with supervisory nightmares : 12 common nightmares of leadership and what you can do about them / 1997
Cultivating initiative in your staff videorecording / 1992
Dealing with people 1999
Delegating and supervising / 1988
Federal manager's handbook 2006
Federal manager's handbook. 2010
Federal manager's handbook. 2007
Feedback that works : how to build and deliver your message / 2000
First-time manager : a practical guide to the management of people / 1978
First-time supervisor's survival guide 1995
From technical specialist to supervisor 1993
Generations at work : managing the clash of veterans, boomers, xers, and nexters in your workplace / 2000
Giving feedback to subordinates / 1999
Harvard business essentials : manager's toolkit : the 13 skills managers need to succeed. 2004
Management-minded supervision / 1968
Managing assertively : how to improve your people skills / 1995
Managing assertively : how to improve your people skills / 1983
Managing diversity : a complete desk reference & planning guide / 2010
Managing diversity : a complete desk reference and planning guide / 1998
Managing workplace negativity 2001
Monitoring contract work. 1996
New supervisor 1972
New supervisor : how to thrive in your first year as a manager / 1998
New supervisor's survival manual 1999
ORD supervisory survival skills / 2004
ORD supervisory survival skills. 1999
Practical help for new supervisors 1997
Social intelligence skills for government managers / 2006
Success advantage [unabridged] : 20 powerful career growth pograms, for the head start you need in business today! / 1999
Supervising and managing people. 1996
Supervising part-time employees a guide to better productivity / 1994
Supervision techniques and new dimensions / 1988
Supervisor's factomatic 1986
Supervisor's standard reference handbook 1988
Supervisory management : the art of empowering and developing people / 2001
Supervisory management in the water/wastewater field : self-study program / 1976
The manager's troubleshooter : pinpointing the causes and cures of 125 tough supervisory problems / 1990
The supervisor's handbook. 1986
What every supervisor should know : the basics of supervisory management / 1985
What every supervisor should know : the basics of supervisory management / 1985
When generations collide : who they are, why they clash, how to solve the generational puzzle at work / 2002
Widgets : the 12 new rules for managing your employees as if they're real people / 2015

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