Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 31
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sunlight)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aspen Cancer Conference (8th): Molecular Mechanisms of Toxicity in Relation to the Genetics of Animal and Human Neoplasia. Held on July 17-22, 1993. 1994
Atmospheric Photochemical Smog Measurements Over San Francisco Bay. 1973
Atmospheric Processes and Effects on Materials. 1989
Chemistry of Organomercurials in Aquatic Systems. 1973
Climatological Observations Monthly Bulletin, May 1971. 1971
Depth Dependence of Direct and Indirect Photolysis on Soil Surfaces. 1990
Dye Laser Source of Monochromatic UV-B and UV-C Radiations for Biological Action Spectroscopy. 1983
Dynamics of Pollutant Photoreactions in the Hydrosphere. 1984
Environmental Photoprocesses Involving Natural Organic Matter. 1987
Health and light : the effects of natural and artificial light on man and other living things / 1973
Indirect Sensing of Plant Canopy Structure with Simple Radiation Measurements. 1988
Influence of Algae on Photolysis Rates of Chemicals in Water. 1983
Influence of Floral Optical Properties on the Ultraviolet Radiation Environment of Pollen. 1983
Influence of Temperature and Photoperiod on Growth, Food Consumption and Food Conversion Efficiency of Channel Catfish. 1970
Light-Induced Transformations of Methoxychlor in Aquatic Systems. 1975
New and revised chemical fate test guidelines. 1984
Photobiology of the skin and eye 1986
Photochemistry of air pollution. 1961
Photolysis of Octachlorodibenzo-P-Dioxin on Soils: Production of 2,3,7,8-TCDD. 1989
Photolysis Rates of (2,4,5-Trichlorophenoxy)Acetic Acid and 4-Amino-3,5,6-Trichloropicolinic Acid in Natural Waters. 1983
Photosensitized Transformations Involving Electronic Energy Transfer in Natural Waters: Role of Humic Substances. 1985
Relationship of Meteorology to Summer Ozone in Southern Louisiana. 1978
Residual Oxidant Decay and Bromate Formation in Chlorinated and Ozonated Sea-Water. 1981
Sunlight Induced Photochemical Decay of Oxidants in Natural Waters: Implications in Ballast Water Treatment. 2006
Sunlight-induced oxidation and reduction of organic xenobiotics in water. 1992
Ultraviolet Disinfection of Water for Small Water Supplies. 1985
Uptake and Photodegradation of 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin Sorbed to Grass Foliage. 1993
User's guide to the personal computer version of the biogenic emissions inventory system (PC-BEIS) / 1990
User's guide to the personal computer version of the biogenic emissions inventory system (PC-BEIS) / 1991
User's Guide to the Personal Computer Version of the Biogenic Emissions Inventory System (PC-BEIS2). 1995
What are the Effects of UV-B Radiation on Marine Organisms. 1988

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