Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sulphur)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1993 SO2 Control Symposium. 1993
1996 compliance report : acid rain program. 1997
1997 compliance report : acid rain program. 1998
1998 compliance report : Acid Rain Program / 1999
A method for evaluating SO2 abatement strategies / 1975
A quality assurance program for the EPA/Shawnee wet limestone scrubber demonstration program / 1976
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors / 1980
A statistical study of coal sulfur variability and related factors, documentation for the coal sulfur variability data base and analytical program / 1980
A Study of federal land-use planning in energy-impacted areas : the Decker-Birney Planning Unit in Montana : final report / 1977
A study to improve EPA Methods 15 and 16 for reduced sulfur compounds / 1980
A summary of the interlaboratory source performance surveys for EPA Reference Methods 6 and 7, 1977 / 1979
Abatement of sulfur oxide emissions from stationary combustion sources. 1970
Absorption of SO2 by alkaline solutions in venturi scrubber systems / 1973
Absorption of SO2 into lime slurries : absorption rates and kinetics / 1973
Absorption of sulfur dioxide in spray column and turbulent contacting absorbers. 1975
Accomplishment Plan, Northern Great Plains Resource Program 1973
Accumulation of atmospheric sulfur by plants and sulfur-supplying capacity of soils / 1979
Accuracy of remotely sensed SO2 mass emission rates / 1979
Acid rain and transported air pollutants : implications for public policy : summary. 1984
Acid rain and transported air pollutants : implications for public policy. 1984
Acid rain engineering solutions, regulatory aspects / 1985
Acid Rain Program, Conservation and Renewable Energy Reserve, update. 1994
Acid soil and acid rain the impact on the environment of nitrogen and sulphur cycling / 1986
Acid sulphate soils proceedings of the International Symposium on Acid Sulphate Soils, 13-20 August 1972, Wageningen, the Netherlands. 1973
Acidic deposition sulphur and nitrogen oxides : the Alberta Government/Industry Acidic Deposition Research Program (ADRP) / 1990
Air pollution : information on EPA's efforts to control emissions of sulfur dioxide : report to the chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1987
Air pollution by sulfur oxides : staff report / 1971
Air pollution studies near a coal-fired power plant : Wisconsin power plant impact study / 1980
Air pollution, acid rain, and the environment 1988
Air quality criteria and guides for Sweden in regard to sulfur dioxide and suspended particulates; 1973
Air quality criteria for particulate matter and sulfur oxides. 1980
Air quality criteria for particulate matter and sulfur oxides. 1981
Air quality criteria for particulate matter and sulfur oxides. 1986
Air quality criteria for particulate matter and sulfur oxides: welfare effects 1980
Air quality criteria for sulfur oxides : summary and conclusions / 1969
Air quality criteria for sulfur oxides. 1967
Air quality criteria for sulfur oxides. 1967
Air quality criteria for sulfur oxides. 1969
Air quality criteria for sulfur oxides; 1971
Air quality data for sulfur dioxide 1969, 1970, and 1971 / 1972
Air quality in Nassau-Suffolk County, N.Y. : evaluation and analysis of the Long Island Lighting Company sulphur dioxide monitoring program 1972
Air quality simulation model performance for one-hour averages / 1989
Air quality simulation model performance for one-hour averages / 1989
Air-borne sulphur pollution : effects and control : report prepared within the framework of the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution / 1984
Airborne measurements of power plant plumes in West Virginia : Kammer and Mitchell power plants, 25 August-11 September 1975 / 1979
Aircraft measurements of the deposition of sulphur dioxide to forest and to sea by the profile metho 1977
An Analysis of the costs and cost effectiveness of allowing SO2 emission credits for cogeneration systems / 1985
An effective point source model for a large urban complex to estimate concentrations of air pollutants at meso-scale distances : technical report / 1973
An evaluation of the E-SOx process on the EPA pilot electrostatic precipitator / 1990
An evaluation of the E-SOx process on the EPA pilot electrostatic precipitator / 1990
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