Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 23
Showing: Items 1 - 23
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sulphate waste liquor)

Select Item Title Year Published
Activated carbon treatment of kraft bleaching effluents / 1977
Chemical characterization and determination of relative effluent odor contribution of selected process streams 1979
Color characterization before and after lime treatment / 1974
Desilication of spent liquors derived from alkaline pulping of non-wood plant fibres 1984
Development and evaluation of a method for the determination of phytosterols in pulp and paper mill effluents / 1997
Economic evaluation of kraft black liquor freeze concentration for the pulp and paper industry : final report 1986
Effects of a bleached kraft mill effluent on periphyton and macroinvertebrates in streamside mesocosm studies 2001
Effects of an unbleached kraft mill effluent on periphyton and macroinvertebrates in streamside mesocosm studies 2001
Effects of biologically treated bleached kraft mill effluent from a mill practicing 70% chlorine dioxide substitution and oxygen delignification on the early life stage and life cycle of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) 2000
Effects of biologically treated chlorine-bleached/unbleached kraft pulp mill effluent on early life stages and life cycles of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas) and Ceriodaphnia dubia before process modifications to meet cluster rules 2000
Examination of alternative statistical methods for monitoring BMP performance 2000
Experimental stream responses to biologically-treated bleached kraft mill effluent before and after mill process changes to increased chlorine dioxide substitution and oxygen delignification. 1997
Factors that affect chloroform, AOX, chlorinated phenolic compounds, TCDD, and TCDF in kraft mill ECF bleach plant effluents : a literature review / 2001
Indigester black liquor oxidation for odor control in kraft pulping / 1974
Kraft mill effluents in Ontario report prepared for the Technical Advisory Committee, Pulp and Paper Sector of MISA, Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Toronto, Ontario, Canada / 1988
Laboratory studies of in-digester black liquor oxidation (IDO) for TRS destruction 2000
National dioxin study tier 4 : combustion sources : final test report: site 5, black liquor boiler BLB--B. 1987
National dioxin study tier 4 : combustion sources : final test report: site 5, black liquor boiler BLB--B. 1987
On-site production of activated carbon from kraft black liquor / 1978
Results of an interlaboratory study for the comparison of EPA chloroform methods on kraft bleach plant effluents / 1999
Spent chlorination liquor and chlorophenolics : a study of detoxication and joint action using D a p h n i a m a g n a 1979
Steam stripping odorous substances from kraft effluent streams / 1973
Use and processing of renewable resources : chemical engineering challenge of the future 1981

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