Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sulfates)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Lagrangian photochemical air quality simulation model : adaptation to the St. Louis - RAPS data base, volume I, model formation / 1979
A Lagrangian photochemical air quality simulation model : adaptation to the St. Louis - RAPS data base, volume II, user's manual / 1979
A model for the rainout and washout of sulfates in the atmosphere. 1972
A new audit method for EPA reference method 6 / 1984
A paleolimnological comparison of Burntside and Shagawa Lakes, Northeastern Minnesota / 1978
A sensitivity analysis and preliminary evaluation of RELMAP involving fine and coarse particulate matter / 1987
A study of industrial data on candidate chemicals for testing : Research report no. 1 / 1977
A study of new catalytic agents to determine chemical oxygen demand / 1977
A study of the formation and transport of acidic species by non-precipitating cumulus clouds during VENTEX-84 / 1986
A study of winter air pollutants at Fairbanks, Alaska / 1979
A Sulfate episode, 1976. 1976
A summary of the interlaboratory source performance surveys for EPA Reference Methods 6 and 7, 1977 / 1979
A survey of sulfate, nitrate, and acid aerosol emissions and their control / 1977
A Toxicity evaluation of lower Fox River water and sediments / 1986
Acid Aerosol Measurement Methods: A Summary of U.S. EPA Intercomparisons. 1993
Acid Aerosol Transport Episodes in Toronto, Ontario. 1987
Acid Air and Aerobiology Related to the Maturing Human Lung. 1988
Acid Deposition and Watershed Characteristics in Relation to Lake Chemistry in Northeastern Minnesota. 1985
Acid deposition annual data summaries, 1980, 1981, and 1982 / 1984
Acid Deposition in Maryland. Summary of 1993 Research and Monitoring Results and Evaluation of Status and Trends. 1995
Acid Deposition: Long-Term Trends. 1986
Acid Deposition: Processes of Lake Acidification. 1984
Acid precipitation in North America : 1981, 1982, 1983 annual data summary from acid deposition system data base {microfiche} / 1984
Acid precipitation in North America : 1983 annual data summary from acid deposition system data base / 1985
Acid precipitation in North America : 1984 annual data summary from acid deposition system data base / 1986
Acid precipitation in North America : 1985 annual and seasonal data summary from acid deposition system data base / 1987
Acid precipitation in North America : 1986 annual and seasonal data summary from acid deposition system data base / 1989
Acid precipitation patterns and trends in eastern North America, 1980-1984 / 1987
Acid Precipitation: Effects of Sulfur Dioxide and Sulfate Aerosol Particles on Human Health. 1976
Acidic Deposition and Aquatic Ecosystems: Regional Case Studies. 1990
Acidic Gases and Aerosols in the Eastern and Western United States. 1992
Acute and Chronic Effects of Alum to Midge Larva (Diptera: Chironomidae). 1981
Acute toxicity of selected toxicants to six species of fish / 1976
Advanced concepts, SO2 removal process improvements / 1978
Advanced concepts, SO2 removal process improvements / 1978
Advanced fine particulate control and implications toward soliving multiple pollutant control poroblems in coal-fired boilers / 1998
Aerosol formation from gas phase reactions of ozone and olefin in the presence of sulfur dioxide / 1974
Aerosol formation from gas phase reactions of ozone and olefin in the presence of sulfur dioxide / 1974
Aerosol Research Branch annual report FY 1976/76A : Federal Interagency Energy/Environment Research and Development Program / 1977
Aggregation of Selected RADM Simulations to Estimate Annual Ambient Air Concentrations of Fine Particulate Matter. 1995
Air Pollutants in Selected Salt Lake Basin Communities, 1971-1975. 1981
Air pollution and health effects in children residing in Akron, Ohio {microform} / 1981
Air Pollution and the Kraft Pulping Industry. An Annotated Bibliography. 1963
Air Pollution Concentrations Associated with Stagnation and Restricted Visibility, Eastern North America, August 1976. 1980
Air Pollution Effects on Aquatic Ecosystems: Summary of a Symposium. 1984
Air pollution measurements of the National Air Sampling Network. Analysis of suspended particulates. 0
Air Pollution: Proceedings of the International Technical Meeting on Air Pollution Modeling and Its Application (7th) Held at Airlie House, Virginia on 7-10 September 1976. 1976
Air quality assessment of particulate emissions from diesel-powered vehicles / 1978
Air Quality Data for 1968, from the National Air Surveillance Networks and Contributing State and Local Networks. 1972
Air quality data for nonmetallic inorganic ions : NH4+, NO3-, SO4=, 1976, from the National Air Surveillance Networks / 1979
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