Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Suburbs United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
A guide to smart growth : shattering myths, providing solutions / 2000
Assessment of travel demand approaches at suburban activity centers 1989
Better place to live : reshaping the American suburb / 1995
Costs of sprawl--2000 2002
Crabgrass frontier : the suburbanization of the United States / 1985
Laws of the landscape : how policies shape cities in Europe and America / 1999
Limitless city : a primer on the urban sprawl debate / 2002
Rating guide to environmentally healthy metro areas 1997
Retrofitting suburbia : urban design solutions for redesigning suburbs / 2011
Suburban gridlock 1986
Suburban nation : the rise of sprawl and the decline of the American Dream / 2000
Superbia! : 31 ways to create sustainable neighborhoods / 2003
The end of suburbia : oil depletion and the collapse of the American dream / 2004
The option of urbanism : investing in a new American dream / 2008
The smart growth manual / 2010

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