Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
Showing: Items 1 - 30
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Strip mining Environmental aspects United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
A guide for revegetating coal minesoils in the eastern United States / 1981
Bibliography on disposal of mine and cleaning plant refuse / 1981
Coal surface mining reclamation and fish and wildlife relationships in the eastern United States 1981
Development of a plan for a surface coal mine study. 1995
Draft environmental impact statement : excess spoil minimization, stream buffer zones : proposed rule / 2007
Draft environmental impact statement : excess spoil minimization, stream buffer zones : proposed rule / 2007
Effects of surface mining on the fish and wildlife resources of the United States; 1968
Environmental aspects of federal coal activity 1984
Environmental impact assessment guidelines for new source surface coal mines. 1979
Environmental protection in surface mining of coal / 1974
Field and laboratory methods applicable to overburdens and minesoils / 1978
Final report on energy from coal : guidelines for the preparation of environmental impact statements to Office of Research and Development, U.S. Department of the Interior 1975
Guide to State programs for the reclamation of surface mined areas 1976
Guidelines for preparation of a cumulative hydrologic impact assessment (CHIA) : draft. 1985
Land reclamation and biomass production with municipal wastewater and sludge 1982
Mountaintop mining : background and issues / 2011
Overburden mineralogy as related to ground-water chemical changes in coal strip mining / 1978
Pollution control technical manual for Lurgi oil shale retorting with open pit mining. 1983
Pollution control technical manual for modified in situ oil shale retorting combined with Lurgi surface retorting. 1983
Preliminary guidance for estimating erosion on areas disturbed by surface mining activities in the interior western United States, interim final report / 1977
Proceedings, Symposium on Surface Mining Hydrology, Sed{i}mentology, and Reclamation, December 4-7, 1979 1979
Reclamation matters. 2004
Surface coal mining reclamation 10 years of progress, 1977-1987 : a report on the protection of the Nation's land and water resources under Title V of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 / 1987
Surface mining : state and federal use of alternative enforcement techniques : report to the Chairman, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives 1987
Surface mining and fish/wildlife needs in the eastern United States : addendum to proceedings of a symposium, December 3-6, 1978, Morgantown, West Virginia / 1979
Surface mining and fish/wildlife needs in the eastern United States : proceedings of a symposium, December 3-6, 1978. Morgantown, West Virginia / 1978
Surface mining and our environment; a special report to the Nation. 1967
User's manual for premining planning of eastern surface coal mining 1978
Utilization of municipal wastewater and sludge for land reclamation and biomass production : symposium proceedings and engineering assessment. 1980
Utilization of municipal wastewater and sludge for land reclamation and biomass production : symposium proceedings and engineering assessment. 1982

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