Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 46
Showing: Items 1 - 46
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Stresses)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Synthesis of biological data from the Strait of Juan de Fuca and northern Puget Sound / 1983
Advanced biological treatment of municipal wastewater through aquaculture 1983
Alleviation of welding fume generation by metal temperature control during arc welding of AL-6XN stainless steel 2003
Alternative to chrome etching processes for metals / 1997
Assessment of Ambient UFP Health Effects: Linking Sources to Exposure and Responses in Extrapulmonary Organs. 2011
Choices in monitoring wetlands / 1991
Columbia River Thermal Effects Study. Volume I. Biological Effects Studies. 1971
Comparative analyses of fish populations in naturally acidic and circumneutral lakes in northern Wisconsin / 1984
Diesel engine thermal loading. 1979
Ecological Effects of Experimental Acidification on a Stream Ecosystem. 1984
Ecosystem stress from chronic exposure to low levels of nitrate / 2005
Effect of P-Cresol on Leaf Decomposition and Invertebrate Colonization in Experimental Outdoor Streams. 1983
Effect of Several Stress Factors on the Susceptibility of the Predatory Mite, 'Metaseiulus occidentalis' (Acari: Phytoseiidae), to the Weak Bacterial Pathogen 'Serratia marcescens.' 1988
Effect of Thermal Stress and Total Residual Chlorination on Early Life Stages of the Mummichog 'Fundulus heteroclitus'. 1977
Effects of Acid Perturbation on a Controlled Ecosystem. 1981
Effects of Agriculture on Stream Fauna in Central Indiana. 1983
Effects of Logging on Growth of Juvenile Coho Salmon. 1973
Effects of temperature on growth and reproduction of aquatic snails / 1973
Effects of thermal pollution on pelagic larvae of crustacea / 1980
Effects of Toxic Chemicals on Nutrient Cycling Processes in Soil. 1995
Evolution and practical application of failure modes and effects analyses 1983
Extendable Nozzles for Space Engines. Volume 1 - Program Studies Final Report. 1970
Formulas for stress and strain 1975
Georgia Basin-Puget Sound Ecosystem Indicators Report, Spring 2002. 2002
Influence of adverse soil conditions on the formation and function of arbuscular mycorrhizae / 1998
Injured Coliforms in Drinking Water. 1986
Introduction to experimental stress analysis. 1950
Investigation of acid mine drainage effects on reservoir fishery populations / 1976
Loading Point Puncturability Analysis of Geosynthetic Liner Materials. 1988
Methods for evaluating wetland condition : #4 study design for monitoring wetlands / 2001
Methods for Evaluating Wetland Condition: Number 11. Using Algae to Assess Environmental Conditions in Wetlands. 2001
Organic Emissions from Pilot-Scale Incineration of CFCS. 1993
Peer review workshop report on a framework for ecological risk assessment. 1992
Persistence of the Heat-Shock Response Over Time in a Common 'Mytilus' Mussel. 1992
Pollution control technical manual for Lurgi-based indirect coal liquefaction and SNG / 1983
Primary Productivity and Related Processes in New York Harbor as Reflective of Changing Water Quality. 1984
Project Helios - Investigation into Transparency of Pasted Connections. 1971
Project Helios - Investigation of Adhesives with Respect to Heat Resistance and Weight. 1971
Summary of the Prevost effective stress soil model 1984
Temperature interaction : prepared as part of EPA Region 10 Temperature Water Quality Criteria Guidance Development Project / 2001
Thermally Induced Elastic Stresses and Their Effect on Crack Formation and Propagation. 1971
Time Series Satellite Data to Identify Vegetation Response to Stress as an Indicator of Ecosystem Health. 1995
Trace element research using coniferous forest soil/litter microcosms / 1977
Underground stress instrumentation and support evaluation / 1961
Wildlife Research Strategy, February 2005. 2005
Willamette Ecosystem Service Project: Research Prospectus. 2007

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