Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Stream measurements Colorado)

Select Item Title Year Published
Clear Creek 1997, state of the watershed report. 1997
Correlative estimates of streamflow in the Upper Colorado River Basin / 1970
Evaluation of instream flow methods and determination of water quality needs for streams in the state of Colorado / 1979
Flow and channel characteristics of two high mountain streams 1972
Flow of the Colorado River and other western boundary streams and related data. 1960
Project management plan : technical support to the SWD Stormwater NPDES Permit-Application Program, Rocky Flats Plant / 1991
Rainfall-runoff data from small watersheds in Colorado, October 1971 through September 1974 1975
Site-specific safety plan for technical support to the SWD Stormwater NPDES Permit-Application Program at the Rocky Flats Plant / 1991
Stream depletion factors, Arkansas River Valley, southeastern Colorado : a basis for evaluating plans for conjunctive use of ground and surface water / 1972
Surface water supply of the United States 1961-65. Part 9, Colorado River basin. 1970
Surface water supply of the United States, 1961-65. Part 9, Colorado River basin. 1970
Transit losses and travel times for reservoir releases, Upper Arkansas River Basin, Colorado. 1973
Using tracers to evaluate streamflow gain-loss characteristics of Terror Creek, in the vicinity of a mine-permit area, Delta County, Colorado, water year 2003 / 2005
Water resources data Colorado. 0
Water resources data for Colorado. 1965
Water resources of the Upper Colorado River Basin : basic data / 1964

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