Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
208 planning in Illinois for federal funding years 1977 through 1981 1982
A comparison of three flooding regimes Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana / 1978
A Probabilistic methodology for analyzing water quality effects of urban runoff on rivers and streams : final report. 1989
A study of prospective water pollution control activities for the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO). 1975
A water quality model for the South Platte River Basin / 1974
Acid-Base Status of Pennsylvania Streams: Results from the National Stream Survey. 1989
Ammonia investigations in the Colorado River, Grand Junction and Fruita, Colorado / 1979
An approach to water resources evaluation of non-point silvicultural sources : (a procedural handbook) / 1980
An evaluation of the effects of anthropogenic activity on streamflow in the Columbia River Basin / 1997
Analysis of Multiple-Input Stochastic Hydrologic Systems. 1973
Analysis of Thermal Pollution Dispersion. 1972
Analysis of Time-Variant Behavior of Water Chemistry. 1970
Analysis of Water Supply Costs in the Washington (D.C.) Area. 1982
Annual Report of the Environmental Health Center, July 1, 1952 to Jun 30, 1953. 1953
Application of a Digital Hydrologic Simulation Model to Piedmont Watersheds. 1972
Application of Analog Computer for Streamflow Synthesis. Phase I. 1971
Aquatic habitat indicators and their application to water quality objectives within the Clean Water Act / 1999
Areawide Assessment Procedures Manual. Volume I. 1976
Artificial Recharge Practices in Hawaii. 1970
Assessment and Implementation of In-Stream Value Studies for the Northern Great Plains. 1974
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Belle Fourche and Little Missouri River Basins / 1979
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the San Juan Basin / 1979
Assessment of energy resource development impact on water quality : the Yampa and White River basins / 1980
Barkley Lake, Stewart and Montgomery Counties, Tennessee; Trigg and Lyon Counties, Kentucky. 1976
Bayesian Decision Framework for Synthetic Hydrology. 1973
Behavioral Adaptations to Spatially Intermittent Streams by the Longfin Dace, 'Agosia chrysogaster', (Cyprinidae). 1985
Bibliography of Water Resources of the Hawaiian Islands. 1971
Biological and Water Quality Survey of Three Tributaries to the Sangamon River: South Fork Basin, Mosquito Creek and Long Point Slough, September through November 1989. 1993
Biological aspects of hybrid poplar cultivation on floodplains in western North America : a review / 1999
Biological Effects of Wastes Discharged to the North Platte River in the Torrington, Wyoming to Bridgeport, Nebraska Reach, November 1960-November 1961. 1961
Biological Effects of Wastes Discharged to the North Platte River, Torrington, Wyoming-Bridgeport, Nebraska November 14 and 15, 1962. 1962
Biological Extraction and Accumulations in Streams. 1968
Biological Survey of the Susquehanna River and Its Tributaries Between Cooperstown, New York, and Northumberland, Pennsylvania. 1967
Biological Survey of the Susquehanna River and Its Tributaries Between Danville, Pennsylvania, and Conowingo, Maryland. 1966
Biological Survey of the Upper Potomac River and Selected Tributaries, 1966-1968. 1968
Bottomland Hardwoods in the Tifton-Vadalia Upland of Georgia: A Conceptual Model for Ecological Risk Assessment. 1993
Brush Lake, McLean County, North Dakota. 1976
Catawissa Creek mine drainage abatement project / 1977
Changes in morphology and endangered fish habitat of the Colorado River 1994
Changes in Streamflow and Water Quality in Selected Nontidal Basins in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, 1985-2004. 2006
Changes in Streamflow and Water Quality in Selected Nontidal Sites in the Chesapeake Bay Basin, 1985-2003. 2004
Characteristics of Streamflow of Small Watersheds in Pennsylvania and Factors that Influence It. 1971
Characterization of stream reaeration capacity / 1972
Characterization of Stream Reaeration Capacity. 1972
Characterization of water quality in selected tributaries of the Alamosa River, southwestern Colorado, including comparisons to instream water-quality standards and toxicological reference values, 1995-97 / 2001
Chemical Quality and Flow Measurements of the Waters of Little Bear River, Blacksmith Fork, Logan River, Little Logan River, Eight Springs Creek, Logan City Sewer Pond, Cub River, Bear River, Malad River in Cache County & Box Elder County, Utah 1958
Chesapeake Bay basin monitoring program atlas / 1989
Chesapeake Executive Council First Progress Report under the 1987 Chesapeake Bay Agreement. 1989
Classification of Environmental Hydrologic Behaviors in the Northeastern United States. 1993
Clean streams handbook : a citizen's manual for building a clean water community / 1981
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