Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 39
Showing: Items 1 - 39
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Stream ecology United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
A mathematical model of benthic plants in the Snake River / 1994
Action in alterations. 0
Assessment framework for Mid-Atlantic coastal plain streams using benthic macroinvertebrates / 1998
Best practices for continuous monitoring of temperature and flow in wadeable streams. 2014
Beyond dams : options & alternatives / 2004
Chemical characteristics of streams in the Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern United States : (results of the National Stream Survey : phase 1). 1988
Discharge of sands and mean-velocity relationships in sand-bed streams / 1964
Disconnected rivers : linking rivers to landscapes / 2004
Ecological health in the nation's streams, 1993-2005 / 2013
Ecological restoration : a tool to manage stream quality. 1995
Ecology of dam removal : a summary of benefits and impacts / 2002
Effects of global warming on trout and salmon in U.S. Streams 2002
Effects of suction dredging on streams : a review and evaluation strategy / 1995
Effects of urbanization on stream ecosystems / 2005
EMAP surface waters : Mid-Atlantic highlands, 1993 streams data summary. 1995
Entering the watershed : a new approach to save America's river ecosystems / 1993
Entering the watershed : an action plan to protect and restore America's river ecosystems and biodiversity : a report to Congress / 1993
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters : field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of wadeable streams / 1998
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters : field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of wadeable streams / 1995
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters and Region 3 regional environmental monitoring and assessment program : 1994 pilot field operations and methods manual for streams / 1994
Environmental monitoring and assessment program surface waters field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of wadeable streams / [microform] : 1998
Environmental monitoring and assessment program- surface waters : field operations and methods for measuring the ecological condition of non-wadeable rivers and streams / 2000
Habitat preservation for midwest stream fishes : principles and guidelines / 1983
Habitat preservation for midwest stream fishes : principles and guidelines / 1983
Landscape influences on stream habitats and biological assemblages : proceedings of the Symposium on Influences of Landscape on Stream Habitat and Biological Communities held in Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 25-26 August 2004 / 2006
Mercury in fish, bed sediment, and water from streams across the United States, 1998-2005 / 2009
Multi-regional synthesis of temporal trends in biotic assemblages in streams and rivers of the continental United States / 2013
New England wadeable streams project / 2003
New England wadeable streams study. 2009
Presentation of EPA Region 10's ecological risk analysis concepts and implications for management in the Snake River : Twin Falls, Idaho, July 19, 1993 / 1993
Rapid bioassessment protocols for use in wadeable streams and rivers : periphyton, benthic macroinvertebrates and fish / 1999
Reaeration characteristics of small streams 1980
Reconnaissance survey of aquatic fauna in several streams affected by gold dredge mining on the Nez Perce National Forest, Idaho 1972
Revised methods for characterizing stream habitat in the National Water-Quality Assessment Program 1998
Rivers of the United States. 1998
Streams : their ecology and life / 2001
Streamside management zone statutes and ordinances : criteria and institutional arrangements serving water quality objectives on state and private forest lands. 1978
Stressor identification guidance document. 2000
Warmwater Streams Symposium : a national symposium on fisheries aspects of warmwater streams : proceedings of a symposium held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Knoxville, Tennessee, 9-11 March, 1980 / 1981

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