Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 15
Showing: Items 1 - 15
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Storage tanks Safety measures)

Select Item Title Year Published
Aboveground oil storage tanks [electronic resource] / 2009
Chemicals stored in USTs : characteristics and leak detection / 1991
Environmental code of practice for aboveground storage tank systems containing petroleum products. 1994
Environmental code of practice for underground storage tank systems containing petroleum products and allied petroleum products / 1993
EPA health and safety training for underground storage tank inspectors : student's guide. 1992
Getting out from under : underground storage tank alternatives for small towns / 1991
Leak prevention and corrective action technology for underground storage tanks 1988
Leak prevention in underground storage tanks : a state-of-the-art survey / 1987
Poly tanks for farms and businesses : preventing catastrophic failures / 2008
Review of underground storage regulations / 1984
Spill prevention, minimum 10-year life extension of existing steel underground storage tanks by lining without the addition of cathodic protection : interior inspection, repair, and lining of steel and fiberglass storage tanks / 1988
Standard procedures for cleaning or safeguarding small tanks and containers. 1987
Volumetric leak detection in large underground storage tanks / 1991
Volumetric leak detection in large underground storage tanks. Appendices A through E / volume II. : 1991
Volumetric leak detection in large underground storage tanks. volume I / 1991

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