Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sterilization)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in insect population control by the sterile-male technique : report of a panel held in Vienna, 20-24 July 1964 / 1965
Advances in sterilization and decontamination : a survey submitted to National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Langley Research Center, Hampton, Virginia / 1978
Aerosol products, sterilants, miscellaneous uses and carbon tetrachloride 1991
Aerosols, Sterilants and Miscellaneous Uses of CFCs. 1989
Alternative control technology document : ethylene oxide sterilization/fumigation operations / 1989
Annual Report of the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, July 1, 1953 to June 30, 1954. 1954
Application of induced sterility for control of lepidopterous populations; proceedings of a panel on the appllication of induced sterility for control of lepidopterous populations organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture and held in Vienna, 1-5 June 1970. 1971
CFCs for aerosols, sterilants and miscellaneous uses 1989
Characterization of Surface Species on Coal Combustion Particles by X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy in Concert with Ion Sputtering and Thermal Desorption. 1984
Chemical sterilization / 1973
Chromatographic Methods for Analysis of Ethylene Oxide in Emissions from Stationary Sources. 1990
Compendium of ERT soil sampling and surface geophysics procedures : interim final. 1991
Control of livestock insect pests by the sterile-male technique. Proceedings of a panel ... organized by the Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Atomic Energy in Food and Agriculture and held in Vienna, 23-27 Jan. 1967. 1968
Destruction of Spores on Building Decontamination Residue in a Commercial Autoclave. 2005
Detection and Significance of Pathogens in Sludge. 1985
Development of Lunar Sample Processing Gloves for the Lunar Receiving Laboratory Final Report. 1971
Disinfectants, their use and evaluation of effectiveness 1981
Disinfection and sterilization 1965
Disinfection, sterilization, and preservation 1977
Disinfection, sterilization, and preservation / 2001
Economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications : an executive briefing. 1980
Economic implications of regulating chlorofluorocarbon emissions from nonaerosol applications : an executive briefing. 1980
Environmental Assessment and Overview of Biotechnology Process Applications. 1984
Environmental Microbiology as Related to Planetary Quarantine Semiannual Progress Report, 1 Jun. 1970 - 30 Nov. 1970. 1970
EPA Needs a Risk-Based Strategy to Assure Continued Effectiveness of Hospital-Level Disinfectants / 2016
Ethylene oxide commercial sterilization and fumigation operations NESHAP implementation document / 1997
Ethylene oxide control technology development for hospital sterilizers / 1988
Ethylene oxide control technology development for hospital sterilizers / 1988
Ethylene oxide emissions from commercial sterilization /fumigation operations : background information for final standards, summary of public comments and responses / 1994
Ethylene oxide emissions from commercial sterilization /fumigation operations : background information for proposed standards / 1992
Evaluation of sterilization by gaseous ethylene oxide / 1962
Evaluation of Sterilization by Gaseous Ethylene Oxide. 1962
Factors in Sewage Chlorination - II. 1964
Factors in Sewage Chlorination. 1964
Fate and Survival of Microbial Pest Control Agents in Nontarget Aquatic Organisms. 1993
Food preservation by irradiation / 1965
Industrial sterilization. 1973
Laboratory Verification Test Agreement No. CJ-002. 1974
Manipulating reproduction / 1986
Materials evaluated as insecticides, repellents, and chemosterilant at Orlando and Gainesville, Fla., 1952-1964. 1967
Mathematical Modeling of Nutrient - Transport. 1971
Mosby's sterile compounding for pharmacy technicians : principles and practice / 2021
Pesticide fact sheet number 234 : ethylene oxide (EtO) / 1990
Pesticide regulation (PR) notice 94- notice to manufacturers, formulators, producers and registrants of pesticide products. 1994
Preliminary benefits analysis of ethylene oxide as a medical product sterilant : Mitre technical report / 1978
Principles and methods of sterilization in health sciences, 1969
Procedures for establishing emissions for early compliance extensions : draft. 1991
Procedures for establishing emissions for early reduction compliance extensions. 1992
Procedures for establishing emissions for early reduction compliance extensions. : Volume 1. Synthetic organic chemicals manufacturing, ethylene oxide sterilization, and chromium electroplating. 1992
Proceedings : Hospital Waste Incineration and Hospital Sterilization Workshops : May 10-12, 1988, Golden Gateway Holiday Inn, San Francisco, CA, May 24-26, 1988, Hotel Belvedere, Baltimore, MD / 1989
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