Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Steam power plants)

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Select Item Title Year Published
316(a) demonstration concerning the Shuffleton steam plant on Lake Washington 1979
A partial differential equation model of fish population dynamics and its application in impingement impact analysis / 1980
A survey of alternate methods for cooling condenser discharge water : system, selection, design, and optimization / 1971
Accuracy and reliability of CEMS Subpart Da (electric utilities) facilities : project summary / 1990
An engineering-economic study of cooling pond performance / 1970
Assessment of corrosion products from once-through cooling systems with mechanical antifouling devices / 1980
Assessment of fuel processing systems for dispersed fuel cell power plants : interim report 1980
Biological effects of once-through cooling 1978
Boiler Design and Operating Variables Affecting Uncontrolled Sulfur Emissions from Pulverized Coal-Fired Steam Generators. 1977
Characterization and treatability of drainage samples from coal piles at steam electric power stations / 1982
Characterization of scrubbed and unscrubbed power plant plumes / 1981
Characterization of scrubbed and unscrubbed power plant plumes : three case studies. 1980
Characterization of scrubbed and unscrubbed power plant plumes {Microfiche} 1981
Chlorine minimization/optimization for condenser biofouling control : (phases I and II) / 1979
Chlorine minimization/optimization for condenser biofouling control : final report / 1980
Closed-cycle cooling systems for steam-electric power plants : a state-of-the-art manual / 1979
Coal ash disposal : solid waste impacts 1980
Coal ash disposal manual : final report, December 1979 1979
Cogeneration of steam and electric power 1978
Combustion turbine repowering of reheat steam power plants : final report / 1978
Combustion, fossil power systems : a reference book on fuel burning and steam generation 1981
Comments on EPA's proposed [section] 304 guidelines and [section] 306 standards of perfromance for steam electric powerplants / 1974
Comments on EPA's proposed [section] 316(a) regulations and draft guidance manual / 1974
Considerations affecting steam power plant site selection : a report / 1968
Control of sulfur oxide emissions from electric-power-generating plants / 1972
Cost minimization for coal conversion pollution control : a mixed integer programming model 1978
Design, development, and demonstration of a fine particulate measuring device / 1977
Detailed industry questionnaire : phase II cooling water intake structures : traditional steam electric utilities. 2000
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the steam electric power generating point source category. 1974
Development document for proposed effluent limitations guidelines, new source performance standards, and pretreatment standards for the steam electric point source category. 1980
Development of the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) National Utility Reference File (NURF) Emissions Inventory, 1985, Version 2 (for Microcomputers). 1985
Ecological investigations at power plant cooling lakes, reservoirs, and ponds : an annotated bibliography : final report / 1981
Economic analysis for the proposed revision of steam-electric utility industry effluent limitations guidelines. 1980
Economic analysis for the proposed Section 316(b) rule for Phase III facilities. 2004
Economic analysis of section 316 (b) of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 on the steam electric utility industry / 1977
Economic and engineering analyses of the proposed section 316(b) new facility rule / 2000
Economic aspects of thermal pollution control in the electric power industry / 1969
Economic impact of proposed effluent guidelines : steam electric power plants / 1974
Effects of transient operating conditions on steam-electric generator emissions / 1975
Electric utility steam generating units : background information for proposed NOx emission standards / 1978
Electric utility steam generating units : background information for proposed particulate matter emission standards / 1978
Electric utility steam generating units : background information for proposed SO2 emission standards / 1978
Electric utility steam generating units : background information for proposed SO2 emission standards : supplement / 1978
Electric utility steam generating units : Flue gas desulfurization capabilities as of October 1978 / 1979
Emissions from coal-fired power plants : a comprehensive summary / 1967
Empirical transport model for evaluating entrainment of aquatic organisms by power plants 1978
Energy consumption of environmental controls : fossil fuel, steam electric generating industry / 1977
Energy Conversion Alternatives Study (ECAS): Conceptual Design and Implementation Assessment of a Utility Steam Plant with Conventional Furnace and Wet Lime Stack Gas Scrubbers. 1976
Energy Generation and the Environment. 1971
Engineering data. 1954
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