Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 71
Showing: Items 51 - 71
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Statistics as Topic)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Statistical methods for immunogenicity assessment / 2016
Statistical methods for rates and proportions / 1981
Statistical methods in analytical chemistry / 2000
Statistical methods in spatial epidemiology 2006
Statistical techniques for data analysis / 1990
Statistics : a guide to the study of the biological and health sciences / 1977
Statistics : a guide to the unknown / 1978
Statistics for experimenters : an introduction to design, data analysis, and model building / 1978
Statistics in research : basic concepts and techniques for research workers / 1975
Statistics in the environmental sciences : a symposium / 1984
Statistics with applications to the biological and health sciences 1970
The American statistician. 1947
The Cambridge dictionary of statistics / 2002
The coding manual for qualitative researchers / 2009
The elements of statistical learning : data mining, inference, and prediction / 2009
The generalized jackknife statistic / 1972
The little SAS book : a primer : a programming approach / 2012
The statistical sleuth : a course in methods of data analysis / 2013
The structure and dynamics of networks / 2006
The visual display of quantitative information / 2001
The world almanac and book of facts 2021 / 2021
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