Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 71
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Statistics as Topic)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A dictionary of statistical terms; 1971
A first course in methods of multivariate analysis / 1972
American statistics index. 1973
An introduction to statistical methods and data analysis. 2001
Analyzing medical data using S-PLUS / 2001
Applied multivariate statistical analysis / 1988
Basic statistics for the health sciences / 1984
Bayesian disease mapping : hierarchical modeling in spatial epidemiology / 2009
CRC handbook of tables for probability and statistics / 1968
Data analysis and regression : a second course in statistics / 1977
Data analysis using regression and multilevel/hierarchical models / 2007
Development of statistical methods for multipollutant research / 2015
Development of statistical methods for multipollutant research : Part 3. modeling of multipollutant profiles and spatially varying health effects with applications to indicators of adverse birth outcomes/ 2015
Dictionary of statistics and methodology : a nontechnical guide for the social sciences / 1993
Encyclopedia of statistical sciences / 1982
Environmental health sciences decision making : risk management, evidence, and ethics : workshop summary / 2009
Environmental statistics and data analysis / 1995
Geigy scientific tables. 1981
Handbook of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures / 2007
Handbook of statistical tables. 1962
Historical statistics of the United States : colonial times to 1970. 1975
Historical statistics of the United States, colonial times to 1957 / 1960
How to lie with statistics / 1954
International encyclopedia of statistics / 1978
Interrupted time series analysis / 1980
Introduction to probability and statistics / 1975
Introduction to the theory of statistics. 1963
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A (General). 1948
Modern applied statistics with S / 2002
Multivariate analysis; techniques for educational and psychological research 1971
National health and nutrition examination survey. Estimation procedures, 2011-2014. 2018
Nonparametric statistical methods / 1973
Nonparametric statistics for the behavioral sciences. 1956
OECD factbook 2007 : economic, environmental, and social statistics. 2007
Path analysis : a primer / 1975
Practical statistics for medical research 1991
Principles and procedures of statistics : a biometrical approach / 1980
Principles of medical statistics. 1971
Probability and statistical inference / 2010
Probability and statistics; models for research 1971
Probit analysis / 1971
Proceedings of the Computer Science and Statistics : 12th annual Symposium on the Interface : May 10 & 11, 1979, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada / 1979
Proquest statistical abstract of the United States 2018 : the national data book. 2017
Putting people on the map : protecting confidentiality with linked social-spatial data / 2007
Reliability and biometry : statistical analysis of lifelength : papers / 1974
Sampling design and statistical methods for environmental biologists / 1979
Simultaneous statistical inference / 1981
Statistical method in biological assay / 1978
Statistical methods for engineers and scientists / 1985
Statistical methods for health care research / 2000
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