Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (SUBJECT=State implementation plan)

Select Item Title Year Published
Air Quality Evaluation of Rhode Island's Incident Management Program. 1997
Barge Loading Facilities: Summary Report for Technical Support in Development of a Revised Ozone State Implementation Plan for Memphis, Tennessee. 1985
Can Coating Summary Report for Technical Support in Development of a Revised Ozone State Implementation Plan for Memphis, Tennessee. 1985
Compliance status of major air pollution facilities. 1978
Compliance status of major air pollution facilities. 1979
Compliance status of major air pollution facilities. 1978
Control Technology Center, 1989 : a year of growth and a promising future / 1990
Creating an energy efficiency and renewable energy set-aside in the NOx budget trading program : designing the administrative and quantitative elements. 2000
Creating an Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Set-Aside in the NOx Budget Trading Program: Evaluation, Measurement, and Verification of Electricity Savings for Determining Emission Reductions from Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Actions. 2007
Development of an example control strategy for lead / 1979
Early action compact program for ground-level ozone : A study / 2009
Enhanced ozone monitoring network design and siting criteria guidance document / 1991
Guidance for emission reduction credit generation by clean fuel fleets & vehicles. 1993
Guidance on State Implementation Plan (SIP) Credits for Emission Reductions from Electric-Sector Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Measures. 2004
Heavy duty diesel emission reduction project retrofit rebuild component. 1999
Incorporating Bundled Measures in a State Implementation Plan (SIP). 2005
Incorporating Emerging and Voluntary Measures in a State Implementation Plan (SIP). 2004
Measurement of Toxic and Related Air Pollutants. 1996
Miscellaneous Metal Parts Coating Summary Report for Technical Support in Development of a Revised Ozone State Implementation Plan for Memphis, Tennessee. 1985
Offset Lithography Summary Report for Technical Support in Development of a Revised Ozone State Implementation Plan for Memphis, Tennessee. 1985
Policy guidance on the use of MOVES2010 and subsequent minor revisions for state implementation plan development, transportation conformity, and other purposes / 2012
Policy guidance on the use of MOVES2010 for state implementation, plan development, transportation conformity, and other purposes. 2009
Progress in the prevention and control of air pollution in 1985. 1987
Regulatory impact analysis for the NOX SIP CALL, FIP, and section 126 petitions / 1998
Review of Compliance Monitoring Programs with Respect to Grain Elevators: Revised Final Draft Report. 1979
Roadmap for incorporating energy efficiency/renewable energy policies and programs into State and Tribal implementation plans / 2011
Solvent Extraction: Summary Report for Technical Support in Development of a Revised Ozone State Implementation Plan for Memphis, Tennessee. 1985
Wood Furniture Coating: Summary Report for Technical Support in Development of a Revised Ozone State Implementation Plan for Memphis, Tennessee. 1985

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