Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 2240
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=State government)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Sensitive but unclassified" and other federal security controls on scientific and technical information : history and current controversy / 2004
"Sensitive but unclassified" information and other controls : policy and options for scientific and technical information / 2006
'The Federal Task Force for Hazardous Materials Management' of the Western Federal Regional Council, Region IX, August 1, 1973 to June 30, 1977. Final Report. 1978
1969 Inventory of Air Pollution Monitoring Equipment Operated by State and Local Agencies. 1971
1971 Compendium of State Regulatory/Policy Making Bodies Charged with Water Pollution Control Responsibilities. 1971
1972 Compendium of State Air Pollution Control Agencies. 1972
1984 Environmental management report update 1984
1987 toxics release inventory : a national summary. 1989
1989 Summary of state radon programs appendix. 1990
40 Cfr Part 300: National Oil And Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan; Final Rule. 1990
A Chesapeake Bay directory / 1978
A Commitment to watershed protection / 1993
A framework for real-time decision-making : New Bedford harbor pilot dredging study / 1989
A Guide for cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit analysis of state and local ground water protection programs. 1993
A guide to customer incentives for water conservation / 1994
A guide to models in governmental planning and operations / 1974
A Guide to the asbestos NESHAP as revised November 1990 / 1990
A management assistance study for the Environmental Protection Branch of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources / 1974
A manual for the evaluation of a state drinking water supply program / 1974
A manual of laws, regulations, and institutions for control of ground water pollution / 1976
A report to the Congress : activities and programs implemented under section 319 of the Clean Water Act - fiscal year 1988 / 1989
A Review of sources of ground-water contamination from light industry. 1990
A State and local government guide to environmental program funding alternatives. 1994
A Study of highway vehicle emission inventory procedures for selected urban areas / 1993
A Study of highway vehicle emission inventory procedures for selected urban areas. 1993
A study of the social and economic impact of odors, Phase III; development and evaluation of a model odor control ordinance. 1973
A summary of implementation and demonstration projects in bays and estuaries. 1992
A Survey of household hazardous wastes and related collection programs. 1986
Access EPA. Clearinghouses and Hotlines. 1990
Accomplishment Plan, Region VIII. Environmental Impact Statement Review. 1972
Accomplishment Plan. Region VIII. Enforcement of State Implementation Plan Compliance Schedules. 1972
Achieving irrigation return flow quality control through improved legal systems / 1978
Acid mine drainage and subsidence : effects of increased coal utilization / 1978
ACT (Available Control Technology) for Stationary N0x Sources. 1979
Action handbook for small communities facing rapid growth : case study, Scobey, Montana / 1977
Activated Sludge Process Control Course. 1995
Acts Related to Solid Waste Management in Illinois, April 1995. 1995
Acts Related to Solid Waste Management in Illinois. 1994
Addendum to draft regulatory impact analysis of National Primary drinking water regulations for inorganic chemicals (March 31, 1989) : final report, October 1990 / 1990
Addendum to Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis of National Primary Drinking Water Regulations for Synthetic Organic Chemicals (April 1989). 1990
Additional techniques for estimating MOBILE2 variables. 1980
Adequacy of the Water Flouridation Control Program in South Dakota. An Evaluation of Water Fluoridation at Selected Water Supply Systems in the State of South Dakota. 1973
Advanced utility simulation model : project summary / 1989
Advanced Utility Simulation Model Analytical Documentation State Level Model (Version 1.0). 1989
Advanced Utility Simulation Model Description of Modifications to the State Level Model (Version 3.0). 1989
Advanced Utility Simulation Model, Program Documentation. State Level Model (Version 1.0). 1989
Advanced Utility Simulation Model, Report of Sensitivity Testing, Calibration, and Model Output Comparisons (Version 3.0). 1989
Affluent Effluent: New Choices in Wastewater Treatment. 1983
Agency guidance on residential lead-based paint, lead-contaminated dust, and lead-contaminated soil. 1994
Agency Roles and Authorization in Groundwater Management: Groundwater Management Strategy for Michigan. 1981
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