Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 264
Showing: Items 251 - 264
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Stability)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Thermal Inactivation of Coxiella Burnetii in Milk Pasteurization. 1957
Three-dimensional slope stability method based on finite element stress analysis and dynamic programming / 2008
Torsional Measurements of Satellite Booms. 1971
Trajectory Readout by Progressive Eclipsing of a Photo-Electric Screen to Obtain Aerodynamic Force Data from Free-Flight Wind Tunnel Models. 1971
Transport of Inorganic Colloids through Natural Aquifer Material: Implications for Contaminant Transport. 1991
Turbulence Model at Low Altitudes and Flight in a Turbulent Atmosphere. 1970
Upper Ash Pond Dam, A.B. Brown Station Assessment Report. Draft Report. 2009
Upper Ash Pond Dam--A.B. Brown Station Assessment Report. 2009
Using Linear and Polynomial Models to Examine the Environmental Stability of Viruses (Chapter 7). 1991
Vegetative stabilization of spent oil shales : vegetation, moisture, salinity, and runoff, 1973-1976 / 1978
Volatile organics in aeration gases at municipal treatment plants / 1982
Waste stabilization lagoon microorganism removal efficiency and effluent disinfection with chlorine / 1979
Wood-Degrading Fungi as Degraders of Hazardous Waste. 1988
XAD-2 Thermal Blank Determination. 1981
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