Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 12
Showing: Items 1 - 12
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Spring Creek)

Select Item Title Year Published
'Escherichia coli' Serotypes in Microbial Pollution of Water. 1973
Alternative Technical Subplans. Areawide Waste Treatment Plan for the Greater Houston Area (Section 208, P.L. 92-500). 1977
CSO disinfection pilot study Spring Creek CSO storage facility upgrade / [electronic resource] : 2003
Recommendations for water pollution control : Spring Creek watershed, Roane and Wirt Counties, West Virginia. 1967
Section 319 nonpoint source program success story Tennessee : best management practices reduce siltation and contaminated runoff / {electronic resource} : 2005
Studies on Soda Butte, Slough, and Iron Springs Creeks, Yellowstone National Park 1972
Superfund record of decision : Iron Mountain Mine, Redding, CA. 1997
The Spring Creek. 1990
Toxicity Persistence in Prickly Pear Creek, Montana. 1984
Utah BLM Statewide Wilderness Draft Environmental Impact Statement, Volume III Part B, South-West Region 1986
Water budget for the Spring Creek Basin 1997
Water Quality Modeling for the 208 Designated Planning Areas. 1977

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