Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Spectrum Analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1987 abstracts : the Pittsburgh Conference & Exposition on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy, March 9-13, 1987, Atlantic City, New Jersey. 1987
1996 annual book of ASTM standards General methods and instrumentation. 1996
A method for the measurement of atmospheric ozone using the absorption of ozone in the visible spectrum / 1954
A procedure for computing and displaying time varying power spectra illustrated by application to a geophysical process / 1970
Abstracts 1982
Abstracts 1978
Abstracts : Orlando, Florida, March 12-17, 2006 2006
Adsorption of metal ions and metal complexes on minerals 1984
Air monitoring by spectroscopic techniques 1994
Analgesics, local anesthetics, and antibiotics 1978
Analysis of atmosphere deposition samples from Easton, PA / 1993
Analysis of organic and biological surfaces 1984
Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticide Samples by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry. 1988
Analysis of Selected Chemical Groups by Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry. 1993
Analysis, Modeling and Forecasting of Stochastic Water Quality Systems. Volume I. 1972
Analytical quality assurance for trace organics analysis by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry / 1975
Annual book of ASTM standards. Section 14, General methods and instrumentation. 1983
Applicability of open path monitors for superfund site clean-up : final report. 1992
Application of Multispectral Techniques to the Precise Identification of Aldehydes in the Environment. 1991
Application of spectral analysis to stream and estuary field surveys : I. Individual power spectra / 1963
Applied infrared spectroscopy, 1966
Applied spectroscopy reviews. 1968
Applied spectroscopy. 1946
Atlas of spectral data and physical constants for organic compounds / 1975
Atomic absorption spectroscopy 1966
Atomic absorption spectroscopy; applications in agriculture, biology, and medicine 1970
Atomic-absorption methods of analysis useful in geochemical exploration : a compilation of atomic-absorption methods yielding data on geologic materials useful in geochemical prospecting for ore deposits / 1969
Bibliography on flame spectroscopy : analytical applications 1800-1966 / 1967
Bioaerosol detection technologies / 2014
Biological mass spectrometry. 1991
Book of abstracts presented at PITTCON '98, March 1-5, 1998, Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, Louisiana. 1998
Calibration standards for X-ray spectrometers used for pollution sample analysis / 1978
Carbon dioxide laser system to measure gaseous pollutants 1977
Carbon dioxide laser system to measure gaseous pollutants / 1977
Characteristic frequencies of chemical groups in the infra-red. 1963
Charge-transfer devices in spectroscopy / 1994
Chemical applications of spectroscopy. 1968
Chemical applications of spectroscopy. 1956
Comparison of high resolution observed and computed air spectra between 700 and 2300 cm -1 1976
Comparison of laser methods for the remote detection of atmospheric pollutants, 1971
Compendium of methods for the determination of toxic organic compounds in ambient air / 1989
Compendium of methods for the determination of toxic organic compounds in ambient air / 1988
Competitive Binding of Protons and Metal Ions in Humic Substances by Lanthanide Ion Probe Spectroscopy. 1989
Computer interpretation of pollutant mass spectra / 1976
Computer-enhanced analytical spectroscopy 1987
Contribution to the Interpretation of Mass Spectra with the Aid of Adaptive Linear Classifiers (Beitrag zur Interpretation von Massenspektren mit Hilfe Adaptiver, Linearer Klassifikatoren). 1974
Core level spectroscopy of solids / 2008
CRC atlas of spectral data and physical constants for organic compounds. 1973
CRC handbook of fundamental spectroscopic correlation charts 2006
Current practice of gas chromatography--mass spectrometry 2001
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