Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Spectroscopie)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A beginner's guide to mass spectral interpretation / 1998
A guide to organophosphorus chemistry / 2000
A practical guide for the preparation of specimens for x-ray fluorescence and x-ray diffraction analysis / 1998
Applications of dynamic NMR spectroscopy to organic chemistry / 1985
Atomic absorption spectroscopy 1966
Atomic spectroscopy in elemental analysis / 2004
Bibliography on flame spectroscopy : analytical applications 1800-1966 / 1967
Charge-transfer devices in spectroscopy / 1994
Chemical ionization mass spectrometry / 1992
Clay mineralogy : spectroscopic and chemical determinative methods / 1994
Discrete sample introduction techniques for inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry / 2000
Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry : fundamentals, instrumentation, and applications / 1997
Element-specific chromatographic detection by atomic emission spectroscopy : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemistry at the 199th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Boston, Massachusetts, April 22-27, 1990 / 1992
Environmental physics / 1995
EPA/NIH mass spectral data base / 1978
EPA/NIH mass spectral data base. Supplement 2, 1983 / 1983
Flame photometry / 1960
Fourier transform infrared spectrometry / 1986
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in colloid and interface science : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry of the American Chemical Society at the 199th National Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, April 22-27, 1990 / 1990
Fourier transform mass spectrometry : evolution, innovation, and applications : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemistry at the 192nd Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Anaheim, California, September 7-12, 1986 / 1987
Fundamentals of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy / 1996
Handbook of spectroscopy / 1974
High resolution separation and analysis of biological macromolecules. Part A, Fundamentals / 1996
High resolution spectroscopy 1998
High-resolution NMR techniques in organic chemistry / 1999
Infrared absorption spectroscopy, practical. 1962
Infrared band handbook / 1963
Introduction to mass spectrometry / 1997
Liquid chromatography--mass spectrometry. 1999
Mass spectral correlations / 1982
Mass spectrometry for the characterization of microorganisms : developed from a symposium sponsored by the Division of Analytical Chemistry at the 204th National Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Washington, DC, August 23-28, 1992 / 1994
Mass spectrometry of biological materials / 1990
Mass spectrometry of proteins and peptides / 2000
Mass spectrometry: techniques and applications. 1971
Meossbauer spectroscopy and its chemical applications / 1981
Microwave spectroscopy / 1975
Modern isotope ratio mass spectrometry / 1997
Modern techniques in Raman spectroscopy / 1996
Molecular spectra and molecular structure / 1950
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy in environmental chemistry / 1997
Practical spectroscopy / 1948
Principles of instrumental analysis. 1992
Protein sequencing and identification using tandem mass spectrometry / 2000
Proteome research : mass spectrometry / 2001
Quadrupole storage mass spectrometry / 1989
Quantitative mass spectrometry in life sciences : proceedings of the first international symposium held at the State University of Ghent, June 16-18, 1976 / 1977
Raman spectroscopy for chemical analysis / 2000
Silylation of organic compounds; a technique for gas-phase analysis, 1968
Spectral analysis and its applications / 1968
Spectral analysis for physical applications : multitaper and conventional univariate techniques / 1993
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