Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Disjunctive kriging program for two dimensions (Journal version) / 1986
A framework for categorizing the relative vulnerability of threatened and endangered species to climate change / 2009
Acid precipitation patterns and trends in eastern North America, 1980-1984 / 1987
Aggregation of Selected RADM Simulations to Estimate Annual Ambient Air Concentrations of Fine Particulate Matter. 1995
Air Conservation. Volume 10, Number 4(54), 1976. 1977
Airborne Downlooking Lidar Measurements during State 78. 1981
Alaska Military Sites Project 1996
Ambient Ammonia Measurements in Coastal Southeastern Virginia. 1981
An Evaluation of trend detection techniques for use in water quality monitoring programs / 1989
An X-ray fluorescence survey of lead contaminated residential soils in Leadville, Colorado : a case study / 1993
Analysis of aged in-home carpeting to determine the distribution of pesticide residues between dust, carpet, and pad compartments / 2000
Analysis of high NO2 concentrations in California, 1975-1977 / 1979
Analysis of Septic Tank Distribution and Septage Generation Rates in Illinois. 1984
Analysis of the ambient monitoring data in the vicinity of open tire fires : final report. 1993
Analytical and Experimental Studies of the Benthic Boundary Layer and Their Applicability to Near-Bottom Transport in Lake Erie. 1987
Animation and Visualization of Water Quality in Distribution Systems. 1992
Annual Course of Precipitation Over Much of the United States - Observed versus GCM Simulation. 1990
Application of Ecological Theory to Determine Recovery Potential of Disturbed Lotic Ecosystems: Research Needs and Priorities. 1990
Aquatic Organisms in Acidic Environments: A Literature Review. 1985
Arctic contamiants research program : research plan / 1992
ASA/EPA Conferences on Interpretation of Environmental Data : III, Sampling and site selection in environmental studies, May 14-15, 1987 : statistics, 1987. 1988
Aspects of Spatial and Temporal Aggregation in Estimating Regional Carbon Dioxide Fluxes from Temperate Forest Soils. 1994
Assessing the Relationship Between Propagule Pressure and Invasion Risk in Ballast Water. 2010
Assessment of Bulk Atmospheric Deposition to the Tampa Bay Watershed. 1996
Assessment of Sediment Contamination in Tampa Bay, Florida Using the Sediment Quality Triad Approach. 1996
Assessment of the Potential Impacts on Zooplankton and Fish of Ocean Dredged Material at the Norfolk Disposal Site. 1984
Assimilation of Satellite Data in Regional Air Quality Models. 1997
Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) - A GIS-Based Hydrologic Modeling Tool: Documentation and User Manual, Version 1.5. 2004
Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) Documentation, Version 2.0. 2007
Basin-specific characterizations of Chesapeake Bay living resources status / 1994
Behavior of arsenic in a rotary kiln incinerator. {microfiche}/ by R.C. Thurnau 1990
Bellevue Carbon Monoxide Study, December 29, 1987 to February 20, 1988. 1988
Benefit analysis for combined sewer overflow control / 1979
Blue Crab, 'Callinectes sapidus', Hemocyanin Concentrations as an Indicator of Environmental Conditions in the Albemarle/Pamlico Estuary. 1992
Budd Inlet action plan : initial data summaries and problem identification / 1988
CASTNet Visibility Implementation and Status. 1994
CDM2: Climatological Dispersion Medel, Version 2.0 (on Diskette). 1997
Chapter 17: Workgroup Summary Report on Methodological Uncertainty in Conducting Sediment Ecological Risk Assessments with Contaminated Sediments. 1996
Characterization of Puget Sound marine fishes : survey of available data : final report / 1987
Characterization of the Spatiotemporal Variability of Non-Urban Ozone Concentrations over the Eastern United States. 1993
Characterization of the Wintertime Boise, Idaho, Air Shed: A Comprehensive Field Study Report for the U.S. EPA Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. 1991
Characterizing the Distribution of Observed Precipitation and Runoff over the Continental United States. 1992
Chemicals and bacteriological organisms in recreational shellfish : final report / 1988
Chesapeake Bay living resources 1995-96 : living resources subcommittee biennial report / 1997
Chesapeake Bay nutrients, light and SAV : relationships between water quality and SAV growth in field and mesocosm studies / 1995
Climate Change and Isoprene Emissions from Vegetation. 1991
Climate constraints and issues of scale controlling regional biomass {microfiche} 1990
Climate. 1992
Climatological Dispersion Model (CDM 2.0) (for Microcomputers). 1997
Collection and Chemical Analysis of Lichens for Biomonitoring. 1991
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