Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Spark ignition)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A brief summary of the technical feasibility, emissions, and fuel economy of pure methanol engines / 1981
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2012
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2013
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2011
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2014
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2014
A guide to completing your clean alternative fuels conversion notification package : instructions for submitting clean alternative fuels conversion demonstration information to EPA / 2012
A guide to the emissions certification procedures for alternative fuel aftermarket conversions / 1998
Addendum to mobile source enforcement memorandum 1A : tampering enforcement policy for alternative fuel aftermarket conversions. 1997
Advanced alternative fuels technology. 1993
Advanced developments in ultra-clean gasoline-powered vehicles / 2004
Advanced direct injection combustion engine technologies and development / 2010
Advanced notice of proposed rulemaking : emission standards for new large spark-ignition nonroad engines. 1998
Air quality benefits of alternate fuels / 1987
Alternate fuels : a decade of success and promise / 1994
Alternate fuels for spark ignition engines. 1983
Alternative fuel : composition, performance, engines, and systems. 1996
Alternative fuel demonstrations. 1993
Alternative fuel light-duty vehicles : summary of results from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory's vehicle evaluation data collection efforts / 1996
Alternative fuel transit buses : final results from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) vehicle evaluation program / 1996
Alternative fuel transit buses : the Pierce Transit success story. 1996
Alternative fuel trucks case studies : running refuse haulers on compressed natural gas / 1996
Alternative fuel vehicles : a guidebook for local governments. 1997
Alternative fuel vehicles : the emerging emissions picture : interim results, Summer 1996. 1996
Alternative fuels : alcohols, hydrogen, natural gas and propane. 1993
Alternative fuels for automotive transportation - a feasibility study/ 1974
Alternative fuels for CI and SI engines. 1992
Alternative fuels for compression and S.I. engines. 1984
Alternative fuels for future engines. 1999
Alternative fuels for road vehicles 1994
Alternative fuels for spark ignition and diesel engines. 1983
Alternative fuels guidebook : properties, storage, dispensing, and vehicle facility modifications / 1997
Alternative fuels in CI and heavy duty engines. 1994
Alternative fuels initiative 1993
Alternative transportation fuels : issues and developments / 2003
Alternative-fueled vehicles : progress made in accelerating federal purchases, but benefits and costs remain uncertain : report to Congressional requesters / 1994
Alternatives to traditional transportation fuels 1993. 1995
Alternatives to traditional transportation fuels 1994. 1996
Alternatives to traditional transportation fuels : an overview. 1994
An evaluation of three Honda compound vortex controlled combustion (CVCC) powered vehicles / 1972
An overview of the technical implications of methanol and ethanol as highway motor vehicle fuels / 1991
Analysis of Aircraft Exhaust Emission Measurements. 1971
Analysis of Aircraft Exhaust Emission Measurements: Statistics. 1971
Aqueous ethanol ignition and engine studies, Phase I / 2011
Assessment of Aircraft Emission Control Technology. 1971
Assessment of costs and benefits of flexible and alternative fuel use in the U.S. transportation sector Market potential and impacts of alternative fuel use in light-duty vehicles: A 2000/2010 analysis. 1996
Assessment of the applicability of automotive emission control technology to stationary engines / 1974
Assessment of the Effects of Lead Additives in Gasoline on Emission Control Systems which might be used to Meet the 1975-76 Motor Vehicle Emission Standards. 1971
Baseline Characterization and Emissions Control Technology Assessment of HD Gasoline Engines. 1972
Baseline Characterization and Emissions Control Technology Assessment of HD Gasoline Engines. 1972
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