Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Space HVAC systems)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Active Soil Depressurization (ASD) Demonstration in a Large Building. 1996
Aerosol Filtration Efficiency of In-Duct Air Cleaners. 1998
Air Exchange Rate Measurements in an IAQ Test House. 1998
Amplification of 'Penicillium chrysogenum' on Three HVAC Duct Materials. 1996
Building air quality action plan. 1998
Building and HVAC Characterization for Commercial Building Indoor Air Quality Investigations. 1993
Characteristics of School Buildings in the U.S. 1993
Characterizing sink effects in large environmental chambers miroform / 1997
Developing Guidance for Considering Cost-Effectiveness When Selecting and Designing IAQ Control Approaches. 1998
Development of a Linear Compressor for Air Conditioners and Heat Pumps. Design and Test Report. 1997
Effectiveness of vacuum cleaning on fungally contaminated duct materials / 1997
Effects of Building Features on Indoor Air and Pollutant Movements. 1992
Effects of Fan Cycling on the Particle Shedding of Particulate Air Filters Used for IAQ Control. 1998
Emissions from outdoor wood-burning residential hot water furnaces / 1998
Energy Consumption Comparisons for High Efficiency versus Low Efficiency Central Filters. 1997
Energy Cost and IAQ Performance of Ventilation Systems and Controls. Report 1: Project Objective and Methodology. 2000
Energy Cost and IAQ Performance of Ventilation Systems and Controls. Report 2: Assessment of CV and VAV Ventilation Systems and Outdoor Air Control Strategies for Large Office Buildings. Outdoor Air Flow and Energy Use. 2000
Energy Cost and IAQ Performance of Ventilation Systems and Controls. Report 3: Assessment of CV and VAV Ventilation Systems and Outdoor Air Control Strategies for Large Office Buildings. Zonal Distribution of Outdoor Air and Thermal Comfort Control. 2000
Energy Cost and IAQ Performance of Ventilation Systems and Controls. Report 4: Impacts of Increased Outdoor Air Flow Rates on Annual HVAC Energy Costs. 2000
Energy Costs of IAQ Control through Increased Ventilation in a Small Office in a Warm, Humid Climate: Parametric Analysis Using the DOE-2 Computer Model. 1997
Evaluating Residential Air Duct Cleaning and IAQ: Results of a Field Study Conducted in Nine Single Family Dwellings. 1998
Evaluation of Building Design, Construction, and Performance for the Control of Radon in Florida Houses. Evaluation of Radon Resistant Construction Techniques in Eight New Houses. 1995
Field methods to measure contaminant removal effectiveness of gas-phase air filtration equipment : phase 1: search of literature and prior art / 1997
Florida Large Building Study: Polk County Administration Building. 1997
Fungal emission reates and their impact on indoor air / 1997
Healthy building intervention study: Objectives, methods and results of selected environmental measurements. 1998
HVAC systems as a tool in controlling indoor air quality : literature review / 1995
HVAC Systems as Emission Sources Affecting Indoor Air Quality: A Critical Review. 1995
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Model for Windows, RISK (Version 1.0) (for Microcomputers). 1995
Indoor air quality modeling phase II report / 1987
Investing in our future : Energy Star and other voluntary programs : 2004 annual report. 2005
Large building radon manual / 1997
Large Buildings Characteristics as Related to Radon Resistance: A Literature Review. 1997
Managing indoor air quality in the USA / 2000
Manual for Ventilation Assessment in Mechanically Ventilated Commercial Buildings. 1994
Microbiological screening of the indoor air quality in a large building / 1998
Performance Evaluation of a Variable Speed, Mixed Refrigerant Heat Pump. 1991
Phase I Pilot Air Conveyance System Design, Cleaning, and Characterization. 1997
Pilot Air Conveyance System Design, Characterization, and Cleaning. 1996
Pilot Study of the Influence of Residential HAC Duty Cycle on Indoor Air Quality. 2003
Pilot Study to Evaluate the Impact of Air Duct Cleaning on Indoor Air Quality in Residences. 1998
Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment, United States Postal Inspection Service, Forensic and Technical Services Division, National Forensic Laboratory, Dulles, Virginia. 1996
Preliminary Methodology for Evaluating the Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Indoor Air Quality Control Approaches. 1999
Putting energy into profits : Energy Star Small Business guide. 1997
Radon measurement in schools. 1993
Research agenda on air duct cleaning / 1995
Results of a Pilot Field Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Cleaning Residential Heating and Air Conditioning Systems and the Impact on Indoor Air Quality and System Performance. 1997
Savings estimates for the ENERGY STAR (registered trademark) voluntary labeling program: 2001 status report. 2002
Status of ASHRAE Standard 62. Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. 1993
Susceptibility of fiberglass duct liner to fungal (Penicillium chrysogenum) growth / 1998
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