Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soybeans)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advances in marine environmental research : proceedings of a symposium / 1979
Alternatives for Reducing Insecticides on Cotton and Corn: Economic and Environmental Impact - Supplement 2: Procedures Used in Setting Up the Agricultural Production Model. 1979
Analysis of Specialized Pesticide Problems Invertebrate Control Agents - Efficacy Test Methods. Volume II. Foliar Treatment II (Field Crops, Forage Crops, Rangeland, Vegetables - Field and Greenhouse). 1977
Canopy Reflectance of Soybean as Affected by Chronic Doses of Ozone in Open-Top Field Chambers. 1988
Comparison of Yields of Several Cultivars of Field-Grown Soybeans Exposed to Simulated Acidic Rainfalls. 1986
Compliance demonstration for the solvent extraction for vegetable oil production NESHAP. 2001
Determination of Trace Amounts of Selenium in Corn, Lettuce, Potatoes, Soybeans, and Wheat by Hydride Generation/Condensation and Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. 1981
Effects of Ozone, Sulfur Dioxide, Soil Water Deficit, and Cultivar on Yields of Soybean. 1990
Effects of UV-B Radiation on Soybean Yield and Seed Quality: A Six-Year Field Study. 1990
Emissions control in the grain and feed industry / 1973
Emissions Control in the Grain and Feed Industry. Volume I. Engineering and Cost Study. 1973
Field Study of the Interaction between Solar Ultraviolet-B Radiation and Drought on Photosynthesis and Growth in Soybean. 1990
Impact of Ozone on Agriculture and Its Consequences. 1986
Impact of the Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel on Baltimore's exports of corn and soybeans 1900
Interaction of Elevated Ultraviolet-B Radiation and CO2 on Productivity and Photosynthetic Characteristics in Wheat, Rice, and Soybean. 1990
Livestock, Dairy and Poultry Situation and Outlook, June 23, 1995. 1995
Mathematical Model of Plant Uptake and Translocations of Organic Chemicals: Application to Experiments. 1991
Nonpoint Source Pollution Impacts of Alternative Agricultural Management Practices in Illinois: A Simulation Study. 1993
Pesticide fact sheet : flumioxazin. 2001
Pesticide fact sheet : Oxyadixyl. 1992
Pesticide fact sheet number 230 : clethodim / 1992
Productivity of Field-Grown Soybeans Exposed to Simulated Acidic Rain. 1983
Remote sensing of sulfur dioxide effects on vegetation : final report / 1981
Remote sensing of sulfur dioxide effects on vegetation : spectral reflectance of soybeans and winter wheat exposed to sulfur dioxide in experimental plots / 1980
Remote sensing of sulfur dioxide effects on vegetation : spectroradiometry / 1980
Remote Sensing of Sulfur Dioxide Effects on Vegetation. Final Report. Volume I: Summary. 1981
Resource conservation and utilization in animal waste management. Volume II : use of aerobic stabilization to enhance the value of animal manures on feedstuffs / 1983
Seed Protein Quantities of Field-Grown Soybeans Exposed to Simulated Acidic Rain. 1984
Stream transport and agricultural runoff of pesticides for exposure assessment : a methodology. Part A, Text and appendices A through F / 1986
The protection of soybeans, December 1984-February 1989 : citations from AGRICOLA concerning diseases and other environmental considerations / 1989
Use of sewage sludge for forest-tree seedling production / 1985
Waste reduction evaluation of soy-based ink at a sheet-fed offset printer : project summary / 1994

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