Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Southwest region United States)

Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of Regional Visibility in the Southwest Using Principal Component and Back Trajectory Techniques. 1985
Archeological survey plan for the western region of the National Park Servic NPS Systemwide Archeological Inventory Program / 1995
Characterization of visibility-reducing aerosols in the Southwest : Project VISTTA progress report no. 1 / 1979
Chemistry, Physics, and Optical Properties of Plumes and Background Air in the Southwest United States. 1983
Economic assessment of waste water aquaculture treatment systems / 1976
Economic Growth Analysis System (E-GAS) for EPA Region VI - South West (for Microcomputers). 1993
Empirical studies of the relationship between emissions and visibility in the Southwest / 1979
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Progress Report, 2008: Pacific Southwest Region. 2008
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Progress Report, 2009: Pacific Southwest Region. 2009
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Progress Report, 2010: Pacific Southwest Region. 2010
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Progress Report, 2011: Pacific Southwest Region. 2011
EPA progress report ... Pacific Southwest Region. 2002
Evaluation of contribution of wind blown dust from the desert to levels of particulate matter in desert communities / 1980
Human enteric virus survival in soil following irrigation with sewage plant effluents / 1980
PM 10 and fugitive dust in the Southwest : ambient impact, sources and remedies / 1985
Respiratory Symptoms and Peak Flow Associated with Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollutants in the Southwest. 1985
Southern region environmental assessment : environmental status report / 1983
Southwest Region Threatened, Endangered, and At-Risk Species Workshop: Managing Within Highly Variable Environments. Hydrology and Ecology of Intermittent Stream and Dry Wash Ecosystems. 2007
Surveillance Study of Smoke from Heavy-Duty Diesel-Powered Vehicles-Southwestern U.S.A. 1972
The development of mathematical models for the prediction of anthropogenic visibility impairment / 1978
The Environmental Protection Agency Four Corners ambient air monitoring network / 1979
Visibility in the Southwest : an exploration of the historical data base / 1978

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