Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1993 Environmental education report. 1993
1994 environmental education report 1995
A comprehensive two-day briefing on environmental issues in U.S. EPA Region IV : course materials, June 7-8, 1994, Atlanta Hilton Hotel, Atlanta, Georgia / 1994
A field guide for the identification of invasive plants in southern forests. [electronic resource] 2010
A guide to the identification of the common mosquitoes of the southeastern United States / 1941
A guide to your Southern Region national forests. 1994
A land manager's guide to point counts of birds in the Southeast / 1996
A management guide for invasive plants in southern forests. [electronic resource] 2010
A regional environmental strategic plan (RESP) for U.S. EPA and the states of region 4. 1996
A regional environmental strategic plan (RESP) for U.S. EPA and the states of Region IV : EPA administrator and state director review meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, October 30-31, 1995 / 1995
African American environmental thought : foundations / 2007
Alternative fuel vehicles : a guidebook for local governments. 1997
Ambient water quality criteria recommendations : information supporting the development of state and tribal nutrient criteria for lakes and reservoirs in nutrient ecoregion XII / 2000
An ecosystem approach to sustainable agriculture : energy use efficiency in the American South / 2013
Animal feeding operations : the role of counties / 1999
Annual scientific research meeting - National Park Service, Southeast Region. 1975
Aquatic and wetland plants of southeastern United States dicotyledons / 1981
Aquatic and wetland plants of southeastern United States monocotyledons / 1979
Artesian water in Tertiary limestone in the Southeastern States, 1966
Assuring the economic viability of local government solid waste management systems : local government case studies. 1995
Athens/Gulf Breeze Environmental Protection Agency cooperaive industrial wastewater biomonitoring project : status report : through FY1978. 1978
Background and Recommendations for Establishing Reference Wetlands in the Piedmont of the Carolinas and Georgia. 1996
Biodiversity of the southeastern United States / 1993
Biodiversity of the southeastern United States : aquatic communities / 1992
Biodiversity of the southeastern United States : upland terrestrial communities / 1993
Black drum fishery of the Gulf of Mexico, United States : a regional management plan / 1993
Bottomland hardwood reforestation in the lower Mississippi Valley. 1989
CampBook Southeastern. 1980
Caribbean toxics release inventory, 1990 : a regional TRI prototype / 1993
Categories of released chemicals reported to the Toxic Release Inventory ; 1990 data : Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act / 1993
Challenges to ethanol blending in the southeast / 2008
Changing land use patterns in the coastal zone : managing environmental quality in rapidly developing regions / 2006
Chironomidae of the southeastern United States : a checklist of species and notes on biology, distribution, and habitat / 1990
Cumulative impact assessment in bottomland hardwood forests 1987
Digital model evaluation of the predevelopment flow system of the tertiary limestone aquifer, southeast Georgia, northeast Florida, and southern South Carolina 1982
Directory of expert witnesses and consultants for the Southeastern United States. 1995
Distribution maps for midsouth tree species / 1990
Dumping in Dixie : race, class, and environmental quality / 1994
Dumping in Dixie : race, class, and environmental quality / 1990
Ecological assessment of Chattanooga Creek, Chattanooga, Tennessee : final report 1992. 1992
Ecological processes and cumulative impacts : illustrated by bottomland hardwood wetland ecosystems / 1990
Ecological Restoration of Longleaf Pine / 2017
Ecology of bottomland hardwood swamps of the Southeast : a community profile / 1982
Ecoregions of the southeastern states / 1987
Effects of biologically treated bleached kraft mill effluent on the periphyton community in southern experimental streams for 1976 and 1977. 1984
EI southeast environmental services directory. 1995
Environmental management report, Region IV : (pilot project) appendices A and B. 1983
Environmental management report, Region IV, (pilot project) parts 1 and 2 1983
Environmental trends : implications for small communities in the south. 1996
EPA Region IV ground water review. 1994
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