Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=South America)

Select Item Title Year Published
1491 : new revelations of the Americas before Columbus / 2005
American land and fresh-water isopod Crustacea, 1936
Atmospheric and biospheric interactions of gases and energy in the Pacific Region of the United States, Mexico, and Brazil. 1997
Closer Look at Our Neighbors to the South: Air Quality Trends, Standards, and Monitoring Programs of Latin American Countries. 1997
Environmental quality and river basin development a model for integrated analysis and planning / 1978
Environmental Reports Summaries. Volume 2. North America, South America. September 1972 through June 1976. 1976
Geothermal energy as a source of electricity : a worldwide survey of the design and operation of geothermal power plants / 1980
Illustrated key to penaeoid shrimps of commerce in the Americas / 1988
John Muir's last journey : south to the Amazon and east to Africa : unpublished journals and selected correspondence / 2001
Math of the Inca / 2001
Neotropical biogeography : regionalization and evolution / 2017
Report from the IGBP regional meeting for South America, Sao Jose dos Campos, SP, Brazil 5-9 March, 1990 1991
Sand waves, bars, and wind-blown sands of the Rio Orinoco, Venezuela and Colombia / 1989
Sedimentary structures and textures of Rio Orinoco channel sands, Venezuela and Colombia / 1989
Supplemental Report on Air Pollution Control Activities in Foreign Countries. Second Year of Profile Study. 1973
The motorcycle diaries : notes on a Latin American journey / 2003
Tide tables, high and low water predictions, West coast of North and South America, including the Hawaiian Islands. 1958
Tropical Forests and the Global Carbon Cycle: Estimating State and Change in Biomass Density. 1996
World at a glance : a directory of international chemicals programs. 1995

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