Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Proctoeces' sp. (Trematoda: Digenea) in the American Oyster, 'Crassostrea virginica'. 1981
1987 Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan. 1987
1988 Reconnaissance survey of environmental conditions in 13 Puget Sound locations 1989
1989 Puget Sound water quality management plan 1988
1989 Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan, adopted October 19, 1988. 1988
1990 Puget Sound pesticide reconnaissance survey / 1991
1991 Puget Sound Water Quality Management Plan : adopted November 21, 1990. 1991
1993 final work plan : Exxon Valdez oil spill restoration / 1993
1994 brief project descriptions of approved projects 1994
1994 Puget Sound water quality management plan : adopted May 18, 1994 / 1994
1995 population and employment forecasts for the Central Puget Sound Region 1995
1995 status report 1995
1999-2001 Puget Sound water quality work plan / 1999
2000 status report : SEA, NVP, APEX, GEM ecosystem research / 2000
2001-2003 Puget Sound water quality work plan : public review draft / 1998
2005 Puget Sound Georgia Basin Research Conference : science for the Salish Sea: a sense of place, a sense of change : abstracts & biographies : March 29-31, 2005, Washington State Convention and Trade Center, Seattle, Washington. 2005
2005-2007 Puget Sound conservation & recovery plan / 2005
303(e) water quality management plan, water resource inventory area 14, 16, West Sound Basin. 1976
A comparison between english sole diseases in Commencement Bay and in selected nonurban embayments / 1986
A comparison of the MESA-Puget Sound oil spill model with wind and current observations from August 1978 / 1981
A cruising guide to Puget Sound and the San Juan Islands : Olympia to Port Angeles / 2005
A decision support framework to facilitate nitrogen load reductions in Long Island Sound (LIS) watershed / 2006
A manual for the review of highway noise impact / 1977
A new view of the Puget Sound economy : the economic value of nature's services in the Puget Sound Basin / 2008
A New view of the Puget Sound economy : the economic value of nature's services in the Puget Sound Basin / 2008
A passive flow measurement system for storm and combined sewers / 1976
A pilot study on the design of a petroleum hydrocarbon baseline investigation for northern Puget Sound and Strait of Juan de Fuca / 1976
A report on the condition of the estuaries of Alabama in 1993-1995 : a program in progress / 1998
A seismic/acoustic study of low altitude air blasts at Ft. Devens, Massachusetts / 1990
A Study of Proposed Ear Protection Devices for Low Frequency Noise Attenuation. 1975
A study of the dispersal of suspended sediment from the Fraser and Skagit River into northern Puget Sound using LANDSAT imagery / 1979
A study of the marine resources of the Parker River-Plum Island Sound estuary / 1968
A study of the nutrients in the main basin of Puget Sound / 1977
A Summary of knowledge of Puget Sound related to chemical contaminants / 1981
A survey of foreign noise effects research / 1978
A Synthesis of biological data from the Strait of Juan de Fuca and northern Puget Sound / 1983
A unified set of models for tire/road noise generation / 1981
A virus-in-water study of finished water from six communities / 1975
About sound. 1976
Abundance estimations and growth-rate comparisons for the clam Protothaca staminea from three beaches in Prince William Sound, Alaska with additional comments on size-weight relationships, harvesting and marketing / 1973
Acoustic and electromagnetic scattering analysis using discrete sources / 2000
Acoustic and net surveys of fishes and zooplankton : final report / 1977
Acoustics. 1954
Action Plan for Containing and Reducing Pollutants. Elliott Bay/Washington State. 1995
Active tectonics of the Devils Mountain fault and related structures, northern Puget Lowland and eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca region, Pacific Northwest / 2001
Air quality data summary 1972
Air toxics emission inventory for the Puget Sound region 1984
Air toxics technical assistance for the State of Alaska : final report / 1987
Aircraft Noise and the Community. Conference Proceedings Held at University of California, Los Angeles, California on September 21-22, 1978. 1978
Alaska oil... its impact on the Puget Sound region. 1973
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