Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Solvent wastes)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Adhesives manufacture : source reduction of chlorinated solvents / 1990
Aerosols manufacture / 1991
Alternative treatment of organic solvents and sludges from metal finishing operations / 1983
Background Document for Solvents to Support 40 CFR Part 268, Land Disposal Restrictions. Volume 1. 1986
Background Document for Solvents to Support 40 CFR Part 268, Land Disposal Restrictions. Volume 2. 1986
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for F001-F005 spent solvents : volume 1 / 1986
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for F001-F005 spent solvents : volume 2 / 1986
Best demonstrated available technology (BDAT) background document for F001-F005 spent solvents : volume 3 / 1986
Case studies in source reduction and solvent substitution. 1992
Chemical intermediates : source reduction of chlorinated solvents / 1990
Chemical intermediates manufacture : source reduction of chlorinated solvents / 1991
Chlorinated solvent source zone remediation / 2014
Dry cleaning of fabrics : source reduction of chlorinated solvents / 1991
Economic impact of air emissions regulations : waste solvent recycling : final report. 1988
Electronic products manufacture : source reduction of chlorinated solvents / 1991
Energy saving and pollution prevention in adhesive tape ovens using gas fired solvent incinerators and waste heat recovery 1983
Environmental fact sheet : no hazardous waste listing proposed for 14 solvents. 1996
Five-Course Evaluation Summary : ITRC/RTDF Training Course: Natural Attenuation of Chlorinated Solvents in Groundwater / 1999
Flexible foam manufacture : source reduction of chlorinated solvents / 1991
Flexible foam manufacture : source reduction of chlorinated solvents / 1990
Food products manufacture : source reduction of chlorinated solvents / 1991
Guidance handbook on natural attenuation of chlorinated solvents 1996
Guide to clean technology : alternatives to chlorinated solvents for cleaning and degreasing. 1992
Guide to cleaner technologies : alternatives to chlorinated solvents for cleaning and degreasing. 1994
Guidelines for waste reduction and recycling : solvents / 1989
Industrial cleaning source book / 1993
Keys to solvent management in Idaho : Solvent Waste Management Project, final report / 1989
Land disposal restrictions inspection manual. 1989
Life cycle assessment for PC blend 2 aircraft radome depainter 1996
Life cycle assessment for PC blend 2 aircraft radome depainter : project summary / 1996
Mobile onsite recycling of metalworking fluids : project summary / 1993
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants : halogenated solvent cleaning ; background information for final standards / 1994
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants : printing and publishing industry background information for proposed standards / 1995
National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants halogenated solvent cleaning : background information document / 1993
Pesticide formulation : source reduction of chlorinated solvents / 1991
Pesticides : source reduction of chlorinated solvents / 1990
Potential for source reduction and recycling of halogenated solvents : a report on research performed by the Source Reduction Research Partnership for the Metropolitan Water District {of Southern California} and the Environmental Defense Fund / 1992
Potential for source reduction and recycling of halogenated solvents : a report on research performed by the Source Reduction Research Partnership for the Metropolitan Water District {of Southern California} and the Environmental Defense Fund : summary report / 1992
Principles and practices of enhanced anaerobic bioremediation of chlorinated solvents / 2004
Recuperation et recyclage des solvants lors du vernissage de feuilles d'aluminium = Recovery and recycling of solvents from vapors originating from priming and painting of aluminum foils / 1981
Reduction of solvent emissions from vapor degreasing : 1989 summer intern report / 1989
Section 313 Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act guidance for RCRA Subtitle C TSD facilities and solvent recovery facilities : (version 1.0) / 1997
Seminar publication : solvent waste reduction alternatives / 1989
Solvent cleaning 1991
Solvent drainage and evaporation from cold cleaner usage / 1978
Solvent emission reduction study at Newark AFB, Ohio : project summary / 1992
Solvent emission reduction study at Newark AFB, Ohio : project summary / 1992
Solvent stills for small shops 1994
Solvent substitution : a proceedings/compendium of papers : based on the First Annual International Workshop on Solvent Substitution, December 4-7, 1990, Phoenix, Arizona / 1990
Solvent substitution for pollution prevention 1993
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