Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 651 - 700
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Solid waste disposal)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Effect of Sulfur in Reducing PCDD/PCDF Formation. 1994
Effective use of high water table areas for sanitary landfill. 1973
Effective Use of High Water Table Areas for Sanitary Landfill. Volume I. 1973
Effective Use of High Water Table Areas for Sanitary Landfill. Volume II. 1973
Effects of a Contaminated Dredged Material on Laboratory Populations of the Tubicolous Amphipod 'Ampelisca abdita'. 1989
Effects of flue gas cleaning waste on groundwater quality and soil characteristics / 1979
Effects of ocean disposal activities on mid-continental shelf environment of Delaware and Maryland / 1974
Effects of ocean dumping activity, mid-Atlantic bight, 1976 : interim report / 1977
Effects of the disposal of coal waste and ashes in open pits / 1978
Efficiency of Dioxin Recovery from Fly Ash Samples during Extraction and Cleanup Process, March 1989. 1989
Egg breaking and processing waste control and treatment / 1975
Electric arc furnaces in ferrous foundries : background information for proposed standards / 1980
Electrical resistivity technique to assess the integrity of geomembrane liners / 1984
Electroosmotic drying of slime consistence wastes / 1979
Electroplating plant operating conditions related to wastewater sludge leachability / 1983
Electroplating Wastewater Sludge Characterization. 1981
Elimination of pollutants by utilization of egg breaking plant shell-waste / 1978
Elimination of pollution from cottage cheese whey by drying and utilization / 1976
Elimination of washer slimes from the production of phosphate chemicals / 1976
Elimination of water pollution by recycling cement plant kiln dust / 1976
Elutriate test evaluation of chemically stabilized waste materials / 1979
Emerging technologies for the control of hazardous wastes / 1982
Emisiones al aire de la combustion de llantas usadas / 1997
Emission assessment of refuse-derived fuel combustion : suspension firing / 1985
Emission characterization of stationary NOx sources / 1978
Emissions from FBC (Fluidized-Bed Combustion) Boilers. 1978
Emissions from processes producing clean fuels / 1974
Emissions Testing of Industrial Processes Burning Hazardous Waste Materials. 1984
Encouraging Clean Technologies: The United States Environmental Protection Agency Pollution Prevention Program. 1990
Energy and economic assessment of anaerobic digesters and biofuels for rural waste management / 1978
Energy conservation through source reduction / 1978
Energy Conversion Alternatives Study (ECAS): Conceptual Design and Implementation Assessment of a Utility Steam Plant with Conventional Furnace and Wet Lime Stack Gas Scrubbers. 1976
Energy Conversion Potential of Industrial Waste Streams. 1977
Energy from the West : energy resource development systems report / 1979
Energy from the West: Energy Resource Development Systems Report. Volume III: Oil Shale. 1979
Energy from the West: Energy Resource Development Systems Report. Volume IV: Uranium. 1979
Energy potential from construction and demolition wood wastes : final report / 1977
Energy Recovery from Waste. A Municipal-Utility Joint Venture. 1972
Energy Recovery from Waste. Solid Waste as Supplementary Fuel in Power Plant Boilers. 1973
Energy/environment III third National Conference on the Interagency R&D Program, June 1 and 2, 1978, Washington, D.C. / 1978
Energy/environment IV Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on the Interagency Energy/Environment R&D Program, June 7 & 8, 1979, Shoreham Americana Hotel, Washington, D.C.; 1979
Engineering and economic analysis of waste to energy systems / 1978
Engineering Assessment Report--Hazardous Waste Cofiring in Industrial Boilers. Volume 1. Technical Results. 1984
Engineering Assessment Report--Hazardous Waste Cofiring in Industrial Boilers. Volume 2. Data Supplement. 1984
Engineering design manual for solid waste size reduction equipment / 1982
Engineering Design of Refuse Incinerators. A Manual Prepared for the National Park Service. 1958
Engineering evaluation of control technology for the H-Coal and Exxon donor solvent processes / 1979
Environment Midwest, January 1977 Through December 1977. 1977
Environment Midwest, January 1978 through December 1978. 1978
Environment Protecting Concepts of Beef Cattle Feedlot Wastes Management. 1973
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