Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soils Testing)

Select Item Title Year Published
2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene (TNT) transformation/sorption in thin-disk soil columns 1995
A gage for measuring pore water pressures in soils under dynamic loads / 1963
ASTM standards on soil stabilization with admixtures. 1990
ASTM standards related to the phase II environmental site assessment process. 1998
ASTM standards related to the phase II environmental site assessment process. 2002
ASTM standards related to the phase II environmental site assessment process. 2004
Best Practices for Efficient Soil Sampling Designs / 2008
Chemical stabilization of soils : laboratory and field evaluation of several petrochemical liquids for soil stabilization / 1971
Direct/delayed response project : quality assurance report for physical and chemical analyses of soils from the Mid-Appalachian region of the United States / 1990
Dynamic geotechnical testing : a symposium / 1978
Engineering and design : geotechnical manual for surface and subsurface investigations. 1985
Engineering and design : soil sampling / 1972
Engineering and design: laboratory soils testing. 1986
Evaluating cover systems for solid and hazardous waste / 1980
Flow and transport in water repellent sandy soils / 1998
Freshwater assay using soil eluates as sample material : (single laboratory evaluation) / 1990
Fundamentals of Incremental Soil Sampling. 2011
Geostatistical sampling and evaluation guidance for soils and solid media 1996
Geotechnical instrumentation for monitoring field performance 1988
Guidance for evaluating soil vapor intrusion in the state of New York 2005
Handbook of soil mechanics / 1974
Handbook on reference methods for soil analysis 1992
Innovative directional and position specific sampling technique. 1994
Manual of soil laboratory testing 1998
Manual of soil laboratory testing / 1994
Method 1312 Synthetic precipitation leach test for soils. 1988
National soil monitoring program / 1981
Physical testing of engineering properties of collapsing soils in the city of Tucson, Arizona. 1969
Pore pressure development in a bearing capacity test on an overconsolidated clay model / 1968
Prediction of subsoil erodibility using chemical, mineralogical and physical parameters / 1974
Preliminary investigations of hydric soil hydrology and morphology in the United States 1996
Preparation of soil sampling protocols : sampling techniques and strategies / 1992
Preparation of soil sampling protocols : sampling techniques and strategies / 1992
Preparation of soil sampling protocols : sampling techniques and strategies / 1992
Procedures for prediction of consolidation in soft fine-grained dredged material 1983
Procedures for testing soils; nomenclature and definitions, standard and tentative methods, proposed and suggested methods / 1964
Release of dispersed asbestos fibres from soils 1988
Single laboratory evaluation of the hydrogen oxidation soil bioassay / 1984
Soil mechanics : design manual 7.01. 1986
Soil mechanics for unsaturated soils / 1993
Soil properties, classification, and hydraulic conductivity testing : draft technical resource document for public comment. 1984
Soil sampling quality assurance user's guide / 1989
Soil sampling quality assurance user's guide / 1984
Soil sampling quality assurance user's guide / 1984
Soil sampling quality assurance user's guide : second edition / 1989
Soil testing : correlating and interpreting the analytical results / 1977
Special procedures for testing soil and rock for engineering purposes. 1970
Technical aspects of phase I/II environmental site assessments 1999
Use of site characterization and analysis penetrometer system at the Walnut Creek Watershed, Ames, Iowa 1993
Vapor-fortified QA/QC samples for the analysis of volatile organic compounds 1994

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