Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soils Sampling)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1989
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
A rationale for the assessment of errors in the sampling of soils / 1990
Best Practices for Efficient Soil Sampling Designs / 2008
Capstone report on the application, monitoring, and performance of permeable reactive barriers for ground-water remediation : volume 2, long term monitoring of PRBs : soil and ground water sampling / 2003
Characterization of mercury contamination at the East Fork Poplar Creek Site, Oak Ridge, Tennessee : a case study / 1995
Chemical properties for soil screening levels. 1994
Columbus incinerator waste-to-energy facility : soil sample site descriptions, laboratory analysis data sheets. 1996
Columbus waste-to-energy municipal incinerator, dioxin soil sampling project. 1996
Compendium of ERT soil sampling / 1994
Compendium of ERT soil sampling and surface geophysics procedures : interim final. 1991
Compendiums of the Environmental Response Team's (ERT) standard operating procedures (SOPs) for sampling and analytical protocols / 1991
Contract laboratory program guidance for field samplers, EPA 540-R-09-03 / 2010
Demonstrating remediation by natural attenuation using numerical ground water models and annual ground water sampling / 1997
Demonstration plan : field measurement technologies for total petroleum hydrocarbons in soil / 2000
Description and sampling of contaminated soils : a field guide / 1994
Direct/Delayed Response Project : interlaboratory differences in the northeastern soil survey data / 1990
Direct/delayed response project : quality assurance report for physical and chemical analyses of soils from the Mid-Appalachian region of the United States / 1990
Efficiency of soil core and soil-pore water sampling systems 1986
Efficiency of soil core and soil-pore water sampling systems / 1987
Engineering and design : soil sampling / 1972
Environmental technology verification report : field portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, Bruker-Franzen Analytical Systems, Inc. EM640 / 1997
Environmental technology verification report : field portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, Inficon, Inc. Hapsite / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : field portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, Viking Instruments Corporation Spectra Trak 672 / 1997
Environmental technology verification report : field portable gas chromatograph: electronic sensor technology Model 4100. / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : field-portable gas chromatograph: Perkin-Elmer photovac voyager / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : field-portable gas chromatograph: Sentex Systems, Inc. Scentograph Plus II / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : immunoassay kit, Strategic Diagnostics Inc. EnviroGard PCB Test Kit / by Amy B. Dindal, Charles K. Bayne, Roger A. Jenkins, Stephen Billets and Eric N. Koglin. 1998
Environmental technology verification report : portable gas chromatograph/surface acoustic wave detector, electronic sensor technology 4100 vapor detector / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : soil gas sampling technology, Quadrel Services, Inc. EMFLUX® soil gas system / 1998
EPA Federal Facilities Forum Issue Paper: Site Characterization for Munitions Constituents. 2012
Evaluation of sample extract cleanup using solid-phase extraction cartridges / 1990
Expediated site characterization assessment / 1994
Extensive overburden potentials for soil and water quality / 1976
Field and laboratory methods applicable to overburdens and minesoils / 1978
Field assessment of air emissions and their control at a refinery land treatment facility / 1987
Field assessment of air emissions and their control at a refinery land treatment facility / 1987
Field sampling and analysis protocol for collecting and characterizing soil samples from hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDF) / 1986
Field sampling and analysis technologies matrix and reference guide / 1998
Field sampling and analysis technologies matrix: sample analysis tools / 1998
Field sampling and analysis technology matrix and reference guide. 1998
Field sampling and selecting on-site analytical methods for explosives in soil / 1997
Field sampling and selecting on-site analytical methods for explosives in soil / 1997
Field sampling for 1980 Urban Soil Monitoring Program : task 23, final report / 1981
Field sampling methods for remedial investigations / 1994
Field sampling methods for remedial investigations / 2009
Fundamentals of Incremental Soil Sampling. 2011
Gamma Radiation Surveys at Inactive Uranium Mill Sites. 1975
Guidance on sampling and data analysis methods 1995
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