Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soils Lead content)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Analysis of pathways of resedential exposure in children 1996
At a Glance : Review of Hotline Complaint Regarding Residential Soil Contamination in Cherryvale, Kansas. 2013
Best management practices for lead at outdoor shooting ranges / 2001
Best management practices for lead at outdoor shooting ranges / 2003
Best management practices for lead at outdoor shooting ranges / 2005
Clarification to the 1994 revised interim soil lead guidance for CERCLA sites and RCRA corrective action facilities / 1998
COGNIS Terramet lead extraction process : innovative technology evaluation report / 1998
COGNIS Terramet(R) lead extraction process : Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant, COGNIS, Inc. 1997
Controlling lead in soils : soil abatement specifications. 1994
Data analysis of lead in soil and dust. 1995
Data analysis of lead in soil and dust. 1993
Demonstration of the COGNIS, Inc. TERRAMET Lead Extraction Process. 1994
Distributions of soil lead in the nation's housing stock. 1996
Distributions of soil lead in the nation's housing stock. 1996
Environmental fact sheet : superfund progress: environmental indicators. 1990
Environmental impacts of lead pellets at shooting ranges & arsenical herbicides on golf courses in Florida 2000
Extending the tracking of analytical services to potentially responsible party : lead Superfund sites. 1992
Foliar and root uptake of lead and its translocation by plants / 1974
Healthy yard, toxic yard : is your yard lead proof?. 1970
Impact of lead-contaminated soil on public health 1992
Lead astray : inside an EPA Superfund disaster / 2002
Lead contamination in soils : January 1979 - April 1991 / 1991
Lead in soil : issues and guidelines / 1988
Lead in soil : recommended guidelines / 1993
Lead in the soil environment 1980
Matrix-isolation infrared and low-resolution mass spectra of the 209 polychlorobiphenyl congeners. 1996
Measurement of soil-borne lead bioavailability in human adults, and its application in biokinetic modeling / 1998
Mine waste technology program linking waterfowl with contaminant speciation in riparian soils / [electronic resource] : 2008
Pb-based paint laboratory operations guidelines : analysis of Pb in paint, dust and soil. 1993
Providing solutions for a better tomorrow : reducing the risks associated with lead in soil. 2001
Quality assurance project plan - geochemical modeling for linking waterfowl contaminant speciation in riparian soils : Mine Waste Technology Program, activity III, project 38 / 2005
Review of hotline complaint regarding residential soil contamination in Cherryvale, Kansas / 2013
Risk analysis to support standards for lead in paint, dust, and soil / 1998
Risk analysis to support standards for lead in paint, dust, and soil : supplemental report / 2000
Risk analysis to support standards for lead in paint, dust, and soil. : Volume 1. Chapters 1 to 7. Appendix A. / 1998
Risk analysis to support standards for lead in paint, dust, and soil. : Volume 2. Appendices B to G / 1998
Risk assessment for section 403 analyses : appendices a-e. 1996
Risk assessment for section 403 analyses : appendices w-z. 1996
Risk assessment for the section 403 rulemaking. 1996
Rotary kiln incineration of metal/pesticide soil from Baird and McGuire site in Region I / 1990
Sampling house dust for lead : basic concepts and literature review. 1995
Short sheet : estimating the soil lead concentration term for the integrated exposure uptake biokinetic (IEUBK) model / 2007
Soil lead report to the Minnesota State Legislature 1987
Sources of lead in soil : a literature review : final report / 1996
Special report on the distribution of lead at the Pacific Engineering Production Company of Nevada (PEPCON) site using x-ray fluorescence for on-site screening : Henderson, Nevada / 1988
Standard operating procedure for an in vitro bioaccessibility assay for lead in soil / 2008
Standard operating procedure for field analysis of lead in paint, bulk dust, and soil by ultrasonic, acid digestion and colorimetric measurement / 1993
Statistical analysis of mining waste sample data / 1986
Summary and assessment of published information on determining lead exposures and mitigating lead hazards associated with dust and soil in residential carpets, furniture, and forced air ducts / 1997
Superfund lead-contaminated residential sites handbook / 2003
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