Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 20
Showing: Items 1 - 20
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soil texture)

Select Item Title Year Published
Applicability of Land Treatment of Wastewater in the Great Lakes Area Basin: Effectiveness of Sandy Soils at Muskegon County, Michigan, for Renovating Wastewater. 1979
Classification of coal surface mine soil material for vegetation management soil water quality / 1979
Constraints and Categories of Vadose Zone Monitoring Devices. 1984
Design and management of subsurface soil absorption systems / 1985
Environmental planning manual for salinity management in irrigated agriculture / 1979
Evaluating soil moisture and textural relationships using regression analysis 1980
Field Indicators for Identifying Hydric Soils in New England. Version 1. 1995
Ground water issue : characterizing soils for hazardous waste site assessments / 1991
Improving Efficiency in Agricultural Water Use. 1970
Long-Term Effects of Land Application of Domestic Wastewater: Tooele, Utah, Slow Rate Site. Volume 2: Engineering Soil Properties. 1979
Master's thesis. 1973
Oily waste disposal by soil cultivation process / 1972
Prediction of subsoil erodibility using chemical, mineralogical and physical parameters / 1974
Ruthenium : its behavior in plant and soil systems / 1976
Soil development and nitrates in minesoil / 1979
Soil Matric Suction Changes with Time in Pressed Soil Briquettes. 1970
Soil-Air Permeability Method Evaluation. 1991
Subsurface Heating and Irrigation of Soils: It's Effect on Temperature and Water Content and on Plant Growth. 1974
Unifying Quantitative Analysis of Soil Texture. 1984
Unifying Quantitative Analysis of Soil Texture: Improvement of Precision and Extension of Scale. 1988

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