Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 50
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soil sampling)

Select Item Title Year Published
Addendum to the Method 1668A Interlaboratory Validation Study Report, March 2010. 2010
Combined Lists of Environmental Laboratories (May 1998). 1998
Combined Lists of Environmental Laboratories. 1999
Description and sampling of contaminated soils : a field pocket guide. 1991
Determination of Landfill Gas Composition and Pollutant Emission Rates at Fresh Kills Landfill - Project Data (for Microcomputers). 1995
Determination of landfill gas composition and pollutant emission rates at Fresh Kills landfill : revised final report / 1995
Determination of Landfill Gas Composition and Pollutant Emission Rates at Fresh Kills Landfill. Volume 2. Appendices to Project Report. 1995
Effects of fluvial tailings deposits on soils and surface- and ground-water quality, and implications for remediation--upper Arkansas River, Colorado, 1992-96 {MICROFICHE} / 2000
Environmental technology verification report : field portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, Inficon, Inc. Hapsite / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : field portable x-ray fluorescence analyzer : Spectrace TN 9000 and TN Pb field portable x-ray fluorescence analyzers / 1998
Environmental technology verification report : TNT detection technology : Texas Instruments Spreeta Sensor / 2001
Environmental Technology Verification Report: Explosives Detection Technology, Research International, Inc., FAST 2000(Trademark). 2000
Field analytical screening program : PCB method : innovative technology evaluation report. 1995
Field analytical screening program : PCP method. 1995
Field analytical screening program : PCP method. [MICROFICHE]. 1995
Field Portable GC/MS for Measuring Volatile Organics in Soil and Water. 1997
Field sampling and analysis technologies matrix and reference guide / 1998
Field validation of a penetrometer-based fiber-optic petroleum, oil, and lubricant (POL) sensor : project summary / 1997
Graphic Products Used in the Evaluation of Traditional and Emerging Remote Sensing Technologies for the Detection of Fugitive Contamination at Selected Superfund Hazardous Waste Sites. 2011
Guide for Environmental Surveillance around Nuclear Facilities 1967
Guidelines for collecting field samples : soil, crops, water, sediment. 1976
Hydrocarbon and MTBE Removal Rates during Natural Attenuation Application. 1999
Innovations in site characterization : case study, Hanscom Air Force Base, Operable unit 1 (sites 1,2, and 3). 1998
Innovations in site characterization : case study: Hanscom Air Force Base, Operable unit 1 (sites 1, 2, and 3). 1998
Method 1668, Revision A Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in Water, Soil, Sediment, Biosolids, and Tissue by HRGC/HRMS. 2003
Method 1668A Interlaboratory Validation Study Report, March 2010. 2010
Method 1668B Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in Water, Soil, Sediment, Biosolids, and Tissue By HRGC/HRMS. 2008
Method 1668C Chlorinated Biphenyl Congeners in Water, Soil, Sediment, Biosolids, and Tissue by HRGC/HRMS, April 2010. 2010
Method 1698: Steroids and Hormones in Water, Soil, Sediment, and Biosolids by HRGC/HRMS. 2007
Method 1699: Pesticides in Water, Soil, Sediment, Biosolids, and Tissue by HRGC/HRMS. 2007
Mine waste technology program linking waterfowl with contaminant speciation in riparian soils / [electronic resource] : 2008
Mobile atomic absorption spectrometer for metals-contaminated soil characterization : Pace Environmental Laboratories / 1998
Omaha Soil Mixing Study: Redistribution of Lead in Remediated Residential Soils Due to Excavation or Homeowner Disturbance. Omaha Lead Superfund Site, Omaha, Nebraska Engineering Technical. 2015
Parameter Estimation of Two-Fluid Capillary Pressure-Saturation and Permeability Functions. 1996
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Faciliity Sunrise Medical Inc. (DeVilbiss Co.) 2005
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Bingham And Taylor 2004
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Envirotrol Inc. 2005
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility GE Lighting (Formerly Winchester Lamp Plant GE) 2005
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Honeywell-Chesterfield (Formerly Allied Signal) 2006
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Roanoke Electric Steel Corporation 2005
Region 3 GPRA Baseline RCRA Corrective Action Facility Wood Preservers, Inc. 2006
Sampling errors associated with soil composites used to estimate mean Ra-226 concentrations at UMTRA remedial action site 1987
Site characterization of Area 6, Dover Air Force Base, in support of natural attenuation and enhanced anaerobic bioremediation projects / 1997
Soil screening guidance : technical background document / 1996
Soil screening guidance : user's guide / 1996
Superfund record of decision : Des Moines TCE, Operable Units 2 & 4, Des Moines, IA. 1996
Superfund record of decision : Pagano Salvage, NM : first remedial action - final. 1990
Superfund record of decision : T H Agricultural and Nutrition site, Albany, GA. 1996
Superfund record of decision : T.H. Agriculture and Nutrition site, Albany, GA. 1996
Using qualified data to document an observed release and observed contamination / 1996

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