Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 73
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soil remediation Technological innovations)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A citizen's guide to chemical dehalogenation. 1996
A citizen's guide to chemical dehalogenation. 2001
A citizen's guide to in situ thermal treatment. 2012
A citizen's guide to monitored natural attenuation. 2012
A citizen's guide to permeable reactive barriers. 2012
A citizen's guide to soil vapor extraction and air sparging. 1996
Acid extraction treatment system for treatment of metal contaminated soils / 1994
Acid extraction treatment system for treatment of metal contaminated soils / 1994
An Act to Amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to Authorize the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency to Carry Out Projects and Conduct Research for Remediation of Sediment Contamination in Areas of Concern in the Great Lakes, and for Other Purposes. 2002
An analysis of performance-based systems for encouraging innovative environmental technologies 1997
Arsenic treatment technologies for soil, waste, and water : fact sheet and order information. 2002
Arsenic treatment technologies for soil, waste, and water. 2002
Bench-scale testing of photolysis, chemical oxidation, and biodegradation of PCB contaminated soils, and photolysis of TCDD contaminated soils : project summary. 1995
Bioslurping / 1996
Capstone report on the application, monitoring, and performance of permeable reactive barriers for ground-water remediation : volume 2, long term monitoring of PRBs : soil and ground water sampling / 2003
Capstone report on the application, monitoring, and performance of permeable reactive barriers for ground-water remediation. Volume 1, Performance evaluations at two sites / 2003
Citizen's guide to monitored natural attenuation. 2001
Citizen's guide to permeable reactive barriers. 2001
Citizen's guide to phytoremediation. 2001
Citizen's guide to soil vapor extraction and air sparging. 2001
Citizen's guide to thermal desorption. 2001
Compendium of soil clean-up technologies and soil remediation companies 2000. 2000
Demonstration of Rocky Mountain Remediation Services soil amendment process. 2002
Emerging abiotic in situ remediation technologies for ground water and soil : summary report. 1995
Emerging technologies for the remediation of metals in soils : electrokinetics / 1997
Emerging technologies for the remediation of metals in soils : insitu stabilization/inplace inactivation / 1997
EPA clean up technology systems. 1998
Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment and cleanup of contaminated land and groundwater : pilot study reports, 1985-2000. 2001
Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment and cleanup of contaminated land and groundwater : pilot study reports, 1985-2002, 2001 update. 2002
Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment and cleanup of contaminated land and groundwater : pilot study reports, 1985-2003, 2002 update. 2003
Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment and cleanup of contaminated land and groundwater : pilot study reports, 1985-2003, 2002 update. 2003
Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment and cleanup of contaminated land and groundwater : pilot study reports, 1985-2003, 2002 update. 2003
Evaluation of demonstrated and emerging technologies for the treatment and cleanup of contaminated land and groundwater pilot study reports. {computer file} : 1999
Evaluation of soil amendment technologies at the Crooksville/Roseville Pottery area of concern : STAR Organics soil rescue. 2003
Evaluation of solidification/stabilization as a best demonstrated available technology for contaminated soils / 1989
Fixed facilities for soil washing : a regulatory analysis / 1997
Geotech, Inc., cold top ex-situ vitrification system . 1999
Guia del ciudadano : El enjuague del suelo in situ. 1996
Guia del ciudadano : La deshalogenacion quimica. 1996
Guia del ciudadano : La extraccion de vapores del suelo y la aspersion de aire. 1996
Guia del ciudadano para la desorcion termica. 2001
Guia del ciudadano para la extraccion de vapores de los suelos y la aeracion. 2001
Guia del ciudadano para la fitocorreccion. 2001
Guidance on the use of permeable reactive barriers for remediating contaminated groundwater / 2002
HNU-Hanby PCP immunoassay test kit / 1995
HNU-Hanby PCP immunoassay test kit. 1995
Horizontal configuration of the Lasagna (TM) treatment technology : user guide / 2002
Innovative measures for subsurface chromium remediation : source zone, concentrated plume, and dilute plume / 1997
Innovative site remediation technology / 1993
Innovative site remediation technology : design and application / 1997
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