Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soil mechanics)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A gage for measuring pore water pressures in soils under dynamic loads / 1963
A Guide for management of landslide-prone terrain in the Pacific Northwest / 1991
Acoustic monitoring to determine the integrity of hazardous waste dams : capsule report. 1979
An investigation of initial negative pore water pressure in statically compacted cohesive soils. 1964
Annual book of ASTM standards 2005. Section 4, Construction. 2005
Annual Report 1978
BASIC soil mechanics 1984
Biotechnical and soil bioengineering slope stabilization : a practical guide for erosion control / 1996
Building an Amphitheater and Coasting Ramp of Municipal Solid Waste. Volumes I and II. 1973
Cecilton quadrangle (CEC) 1987
Centrifugal model tests of flood embankments / 1974
Classification and engineering properties of dredged material : final report / 1977
Classification, engineering properties and field exploration of soils, intact rock and in situ rock masses 1974
Collapsing soils and their clay mineralogy in Tucson / 1982
Compacted Soil Barriers at Abandoned Landfill Sites Are Likely to Fail in the Long Term. 1993
Computerized Slope Stability, the Sliding Block Problem, Steady and Transient State Flow Conditions. 1972
Constitutive modelling in geomechanics : introduction / 2012
Construction dewatering : a guide to theory and practice / 1981
Control of Erosion and Sediment Deposition from Construction of Highways and Land Development. 1971
CTSPAC: Mathematical Model for Coupled Transport of Water, Solutes, and Heat in the Soil-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum. Volume 1. Mathematical Theory and Transport Concepts. 1988
Defiance County Lost Creek Demonstration Project. 1987
Depth and time freezing of a silty soil under deciduous forest near Fairbanks, Alaska / 1971
Design and construction of covers for solid waste landfills / 1979
Design considerations for pulp and paper-mill sludge landfills / 1976
Determination of Soluble Mineral Content Using Electrical Conductivity Measurements. 1997
Development of a hybrid limit equilibrium-finite element procedure for three-dimensional slope stability analysis / 1998
Dispersive clays, related piping, and erosion in geotechnical projects : a symposium presented at the seventy-ninth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., 27-June-2 July 1976 1977
Earth manual : a guide to the use of soils as foundations and as construction materials for hydraulic structures. 1980
Earth manual : a guide to the use of soils as foundations and as construction materials for hydraulic structures. 1974
Earth manual; a guide to the use of soils as foundations and as construction materials for hydraulic structures. 1960
Earth structures engineering / 1983
Effect of geology on soil mass movement activity in the Pacific Northwest / 1984
Elastic-plastic stability analysis of mine-waste embankments / 1975
Encyclopaedia of hydraulics, soil and foundation engineering. 1967
Engineering and design : settlement analysis. 1990
Engineering geology and design of slopes for cretaceous Potomac deposits in Fairfax County, Virginia, and vicinity 1984
Environmental Guidelines for Road Construction in Alaska. 1971
Erosion control : the official journal of the International Erosion Control Association. 1994
Erosion of Soft Cohesive Sediment Deposits. 1985
Experimental High Ash Papermill Sludge Landfill. 1973
Experimental High Ash Papermill Sludge Landfill. 1974
Experimental High Ash Papermill Sludge Landfill: Second Annual Report. 1974
Extensive overburden potentials for soil and water quality / 1976
Factors controlling minimum soil liner thickness / 1991
Feasibility of hydraulic fracturing of soil to improve remedial actions / 1991
Feasibility of hydraulic fracturing of soil to improve remedial actions / 1991
Field and laboratory testing of a compacted soil liner / 1990
Flow and transport in the natural environment : advances and applications / 1988
Foundation engineering handbook, 1975
Foundations for family housing : final report / 1974
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