Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soil gases)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A Summary of leak detection methods for petroleum underground storage tank systems. 1990
Active Soil Depressurization (ASD) Demonstration in a Large Building. 1996
Aerobic Soil Microcosms for Long-Term Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon Vapors. 1992
Air Emissions from the Treatment of Soils Contaminated with Petroleum Fuels and Other Substances (October 1997). 1997
Air/Superfund national technical guidance study series : air emissions from area sources : estimating soil and soil-gas sample number requirements / 1993
Air/Superfund national technical guidance study series : database of emission rate measurement projects / 1991
Air/superfund national technical guidance study series : emission factors for Superfund remediation technologies / 1991
Applications of New Technologies at Hazardous Waste Sites. 1995
Assessment of Soil-Gas Measurement Technologies. 1991
Assessment of vapor intrusion in homes near the Raymark Superfund site using basement and sub-slab air samples / 2006
AWD technologies integrated aquadetox/SVE technology : applications analysis report / 1991
Background hydrocarbon vapor concentration study for underground fuel storage tanks / 1991
Background Hydrocarbon Vapor Concentration Study for Underground Fuel Storage Tanks. Draft Final Report. 1988
Biodegradation of Hydrocarbon Vapors in the Unsaturated Zone. 1991
Bioventing Approach to Remediate a Gasoline Contaminated Subsurface. 1992
Bioventing to Treat Fuel Spills from Underground Storage Tanks. 1991
Case Studies of Radon Reduction Research in Maryland, New Jersey, and Virginia Schools. 1993
Case Study: Natural Attenuation of a Trichloroethene Plume at Picatinny Arsenal, New Jersey. 1996
Catalytic oxidation of groundwater stripping emissions / 1988
Causes of Poor Sealant Performance in Soil-Gas-Resistant Foundations. 1994
Characteristics of Florida Fill Materials and Soils, 1990. 1994
Characterization of Nitrous Oxide Emission Sources. 1995
Column Vapor Extraction Experiments on Gasoline Contaminated Soil. 1991
Compendium of ERT field analytical procedures : interim final / 1992
Designs for New Residential HAC Systems to Achieve Radon and Other Soil Gas Reduction. 1993
Detecting leaks : successful methods step-by-step. 1989
Development and demonstration of indoor radon reduction measures for 10 homes in Clinton, New Jersey / 1987
Development of a Radon Protection Map for Large Buildings in Florida. 1996
Diagnostic Approaches to Better Solutions of Radon IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) Problems. 1988
DNAPL site characterization : quick reference fact sheet. 1994
Durability of Subslab Depressurization Radon Mitigation System Performance. 1990
Effectiveness of Radon Control Features in New House Construction, South Central Florida. 1996
Effects of Natural and Forced Basement Ventilation on Radon Levels in Single Family Dwellings. 1992
Engineering bulletin : in situ soil vapor extraction treatment. 1991
Engineering forum issue paper : soil vapor extration implementation experiences / 1997
Environmental technology verification report : field portable gas chromatograph/mass spectrometer, Bruker-Franzen Analytical Systems, Inc. EM640 / 1997
EPA Site Demonstration of the Terra Vac In situ Vacuum Extraction Process in Groveland, Massachusetts. (Site Program Update: Part VII). 1989
Evaluation of Radon Reduction Techniques in Fourteen Basement Houses: Preliminary Results (Journal Article). 1988
Evaluation of U-tube underground tank monitoring systems for soil vapor testing : Suffolk County, New York : report / 1988
Feasibility of characterizing concealed openings in the house-soil interface for modeling radon gas entry / 1995
Field Trapping of Subsurface Vapor Phase Petroleum Hydrocarbons. 1994
Follow-Up Alpha-Track Monitoring in 40 Eastern Pennsylvania Houses with Indoor Radon Reduction Systems. (Winter 1988-89). 1989
Follow-Up Durability Measurements and Mitigation Performance Improvement Tests in 38 Eastern Pennsylvania Houses Having Indoor Radon Reduction Systems. 1991
Follow-Up Radon Measurements in 14 Mitigated Schools. 1993
Geophysics Advisor Expert System (Version 2.0) (for Microcomputers). 1992
Geophysics Advisor Expert System, Version 2.0. 1992
Guide for conducting treatability studies under CERCLA : soil vapor extraction : quick reference fact sheet. 1991
Hydrocarbon Vapor Diffusion in Intact Core Sleeves. 1993
Innovative treatment technologies : annual status report. 1994
Innovative treatment technologies : annual status report. 1995
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