Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 19
Showing: Items 1 - 19
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soil biochemistry)

Select Item Title Year Published
Biochemistry of metal micronutrients in the rhizosphere / 1994
Chemical bioavailability in terrestrial environments / 2008
Chemical characterization of organic matter in temperate coniferous soil / 1992
Cycles of soil : carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, micronutrients / 1986
Dynamics and bioavailability of heavy metals in the rootzone / 2011
Guidance manual : bedded sediment bioaccumulation tests / 1989
Guidance manual : bedded sediment bioaccumulation tests / 1993
Humus chemistry : genesis, composition, reactions / 1994
Humus chemistry : genesis, composition, reactions / 1982
Influence of environmental factors on the respiration rate of grassland soils--a model / 1973
Influence of vegetative succession on soil chemistry of the Berkshires 1986
Interactions of soil minerals with natural organics and microbes 1986
Soil biochemistry 1967
Soil biochemistry. 1992
Soil biology & biochemistry. 1969
Soil enzymes / 1978
Soil microbiology and biochemistry 1996
Soil microbiology and biochemistry 1989
Soil microbiology, ecology, and biochemistry / 2007

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