Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 25
Showing: Items 1 - 25
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Soil air)

Select Item Title Year Published
A Citizen's guide to air sparging. 1992
A technology assessment of soil vapor extraction and air sparging / 1992
A technology assessment of soil vapor extraction and air sparging / 1992
Availability, uptake and translocation of plutonium within biological systems : a review of the significant literature / 1976
Compendium of ERT air sampling procedures. 1992
Compendium of ERT groundwater sampling procedures : interim final. 1991
Compendium of ERT soil sampling / 1994
Compendium of ERT soil sampling and surface geophysics procedures : interim final. 1991
Compendiums of the Environmental Response Team's (ERT) standard operating procedures (SOPs) for sampling and analytical protocols / 1991
Development of recommendations and methods to support assessment of soil venting performance an closure / 2001
Documentation of AIR2D, a computer program to simulate two-dimensional axisymmetric air flow in the unsaturated zone / 1997
Evaluation of soil venting application / 1992
Guidance for design, installation and operation of soil venting systems / 1993
Influence of surficial soil and bedrock on indoor radon in New York State homes : task II, subtask II of an investigation of infiltration and indoor air quality in New York State homes / 1989
Poisons in our Neighborhoods; Toxic Pollution in Colorado 1990
Radon soil-gas survey in Prince Georges County, Maryland 1988
Relationships between geology, equivalent uranium concentration, and radon in soil gas, Fairfax County, Virginia 1988
Soil gas sensing for detection and mapping of volatile organics / 1987
Soil gas sensing for detection and mapping of volatile organics : project summary / 1988
Soil-gas measurement for detection of subsurface organic contamination / 1987
Soil-gas measurement for detection of subsurface organic contamination / 1987
Soils and the greenhouse effect. 1997
Summary report of results of the vapaor vacuum extraction test at the RWMC 1991
Superfund Record of Decision (EPA Region 5): Johns-Manville-Waukegan Site, Illinois (First Remedial Action), June 1987. 1987
The Role of organic soils in the world carbon cycle : problem analysis and research needs / 1980

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