Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Sodium chloride)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Aerosol measurements in the submicron size range : studies with an aerosol centrifuge, a new diffusion battery, a low pressure impactor and an advanced condensation nuclei counter / 1979
Airborne Monitoring of Cooling Tower Effluents. Volume I. Technical Summary. 1978
Ambient aquatic life water quality criteria for chloride / 1988
An economic analysis of the environmental impact of highway deicing / 1976
Cloud Chamber Study of Water Evaporation. 1972
Comparison of Energy Flow Parameters of Midge Populations in Biological Oxidation Ponds (Effect of Phenol on Oxygen Uptake Rate of a Laboratory Population of Chironomus Attenuatus Walk.) 1,2). 1971
Concentration Gradients in Aquifers, Phase II. 1972
Contaminant candidate list regulatory determination support document for sodium / 2003
Desalination : water for the world's future / 1968
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the major inorganic products segment of the inorganic chemicals manufacturing point source category. 1974
Development document for effluent limitations guidelines and new source performance standards for the major inorganic products segment of the inorganic chemicals manufacturing point source category. 1974
Development of isolated mammalian embryo techniques for toxic substance screening / 1979
Development of Surrogate Lung Systems with Controlled Thermodynamic Environments to Study Hygroscopic Particles: Air Pollutants and Pharmacologic Drugs. 1990
Discriminative Stimulus Properties of Triadimefon: Comparison with Methylphenidate. 1991
Drinking water advisory : consumer acceptability advice and health effects analysis on sodium / 2002
Economic impact analysis of effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the inorganic chemicals industry--Phase II / 1984
Effect of mechanical cooling devices on ambient salt concentration / 1976
Effect of Sodium Chloride on Transport of Bacteria in a Saturated Aquifer Material. 1991
Effects of 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine on Autonomic Thermoreregulatory Responses of the Rat. 1991
Effects of Increasing Salinity on the Pyramid Lake Fishery. 1972
Effects of pH Increases and Sodium Chloride Additions on the Acute Toxicity of 2,4-Dichlorophenol to the Fathead Minnow. 1980
Environmental Impact of Highway Deicing. 1971
Evaluation of Sucrose as an Alternative to Sodium Chloride in the Microtox (Trade Name) Assay: Comparison to Fish and Cladoceran Tests with Freshwater Effluents. 1990
Evaluation of the Role of Sea Salt Imputs in the Long-Term Acidification of Coastal New England Lakes (Journal Version). 1988
Fabrication du Chlorate de Soude par Electrolyse du Chlorure de Sodium avec Anodes en Graphite (Manufacturing of Soda Chlorate by Electrolysis of Sodium Chloride with Graphite Anodes). 1983
Fine-Particle Sodium Tracer for Long-Range Transport of the Kuwaiti Oil-Fire Smoke. 1993
Forest Soil Response to Acid and Salt Additions of Sulfate: 2. Aluminum and Base Cations. 1991
Geology and Hydrology of the Dakota Formation in South Dakota 1971
High Concentrations of Sodium Chloride Induce a 'Positive' Response at the TK Locus of L5178Y/TK(+)/(-)Mouse Lymphoma Cells (Journal Version). 1988
Homogeneous Nucleation in Contaminated Atmospheres. 1972
Houston area plume study--1974 : microscopical identification of collected aerosols / 1979
Identification of sources of ground-water salinization using geochemical techniques / 1991
Induction of Regulated Hypothermia in Mice by Urine Administration. 1990
Kinetics of Reaction Between Pure and Fe2O3(-)Containing NaCl or CaCl2 with a Gas Phase of SO2, O2 and SO3 (Zur Kinetik der Reaktion Zwischen Reinem und Fe2O3(-)Haltigem NaCl oder CaCl2 mit Einer Gasphase aus SO2, O2 und SO3). 1966
Manual for deicing chemicals : application practices / 1974
Manual for deicing chemicals : storage and handling / 1974
Mechanism for the Large Anisotropic Swelling of DNA Films (Journal Version). 1986
Patho-Physiologic Response to Single and Multiple Air Pollutants in Humans and Animals. 1970
Potential Role of Bioactivation in Tumor Promotion: Indirect Evidence from Effects of Phenol, Sodium Cyclamate and Their Metabolites on Metabolic Cooperation In vitro. 1987
R.E.D. facts : inorganic halides. 1993
Reduction of salt content of food processing liquid waste effluent / 1971
Regional Differences in Bioelectric Properties and Ion Flow in Excised Canine Airways. 1981
Reregistration eligibility decision (RED) : inorganic halides, list D, case 4051. 1993
Salt, sugar, fat : how the food giants hooked us / 2013
Sodium chloride : the production and properties of salt and brine / 1960
Sodium, chlorides, and conductivity in drinking-water report on a WHO working group, the Hague, 1-5 May 1978. 1979
Standard test fish development : part I, fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas) and goldfish (Carassius auratus) as standard fish in bioassays and their reaction to potential reference toxicants / 1976
Study of Sludge Digestion With Sodium Chloride and Sulfate. 1970
Thermodynamic Properties of Brine. 1971
Tissue Organ Distribution and Behavioral Effects of Platinum Following Acute and Repeated Exposure of the Mouse to Platinum Sulfate. 1980
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