Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Our urban environment and our most endangered people" / 1972
Adaptive and Integrated Water Management Coping with Complexity and Uncertainty / [electronic resource] : 2008
Advances in urban ecology : integrating humans and ecological processes in urban ecosystems / 2008
Air Pollution Abstracts, Volume 2, Number 4, April 1971. 1971
Air Pollution Abstracts, Volume 3, Number 7, July 1972. 1972
Air Pollution Abstracts. Volume 3, Number 10, October 1972. 1972
Air Pollution Abstracts. Volume 3, Number 11, November 1972, 23998-24522. 1972
Air Pollution Abstracts. Volume 3, Number 8, August 1972. 1972
Air Pollution Abstracts. Volume 4, Number 2, February 1973, 25574-25767. 1973
Air Pollution Abstracts. Volume 4, Number 3, March 1973. Abstracts 25768-26243. 1973
Air Pollution Abstracts. Volume 4, Number 4, April 1973, 26244-26766. 1973
Air Pollution Abstracts. Volume 4, Number 8, August 1973, 28523-29147. 1973
Air pollution translations : a bibliography with abstracts, volume 3. 1973
Air pollution translations; a bibliography with abstracts, vol. 4. 1973
Air pollution translations; a bibliography with abstracts, vol. 5. 1974
Air pollution transport in street canyons / 1973
Air Pollution: Air Quality Criteria for Particulate Matter. 1971
All that we can be : Black leadership and racial integration the Army way / 1996
America's most sustainable cities and regions : surviving the 21st century megatrends / 2016
Amity and prosperity : one family and the fracturing of America / 2018
An unnatural metropolis : wresting New Orleans from nature / 2005
Appreciative inquiry : a mechanism for maximizing empower in social systems / 1998
Asphalt nation : how the automobile took over America, and how we can take it back / 1998
Asphalt nation : how the automobile took over America, and how we can take it back / 1997
ASTM standards on environmental site assessments for commercial real estate : E 1527-00 and E 1528-00. 2000
Bird on fire : lessons from the world's least sustainable city / 2011
Boundary spanning leadership : six practices for solving problems, driving innovation, and transforming organizations / 2011
Brush with death : a social history of lead poisoning / 2000
Building an emerald city : a guide to creating green building policies and programs / 2010
Can a city be sustainable? / 2016
Cities and urban life 2004
Citizen Panel for Atlanta Area Studies: Field Experimentation and Methodological Substudies. 1971
City 1967
City green, innovative green infrastructure solutions for downtowns and infill locations. 2016
City of quartz : excavating the future in Los Angeles / 1992
Classification of American cities for case study analysis : volume 1, summary report / 1977
Clean water action plan : Coastal Research and Monitoring Strategy / 2000
Climate Change - Environment and History of the Near East / [electronic resource] : 2007
Climate change and society : sociological perspectives / 2015
Climate management issues : economics, sociology, and politics / 2012
Coal-Energy Development in the Northern Great Plains. 1973
Community Well-Being as a Factor in Urban Land Use Planning. 1974
Compact cities : sustainable urban forms for developing countries / 2000
Complex Systems Analysis of Water Quality Dynamics; The Feedback Systems Structure. 1970
Consolidation of Irrigation Systems: Engineering, Legal, and Sociological Constraints and/or facilitators. Phase I. 1973
Cultural diversity in organizations : theory, research, and practice / 1993
Damned lies and statistics : untangling numbers from the media, politicians, and activists / 2001
Dreams from my father : a story of race and inheritance / 2004
Eco-Gowanus : urban remediation by design / 2007
Ecologically based municipal land use planning / 2000
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