Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 135
Showing: Items 1 - 50
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Societies)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1998-1999 river and watershed conservation directory / 1998
1999 survey of community watershed organizations in the Chesapeake Bay Basin : results and findings : a report of the Community Watershed Task Force. 2000
Abstracts of papers / 1937
Advances in chemistry series. 1950
Alaska habitat management guide. Arctic Region. 1986
Alaska habitat management guide. Southcentral Region. 1985
Alaska habitat management guide. Southwest Region. 1985
American scientist. 1942
An examination of alkali injection - wet scrubber process demonstration projects / 1970
Annual report for the year ending ... 1948
Basic documents (excluding the technical regulations). 1953
Bulletin / 1969
California toxics directory : a guide to organizations concerned with hazardous materials in California. 1986
Chemische Berichte. 1868
Citizen's handbook of North Carolina's environmental information sources 1993
Compendium of federal programs with stream restoration activities / 1995
Concise rules of APA style / 2010
Concise rules of APA style. 2005
Connecticut directory of environmental organizations 1991
Developments in industrial microbiology : a publication of the Society for Industrial Microbiology. 1960
Directory of electronic journals, newsletters and academic discussion lists 1995
Directory of engineering document sources. 1971
Directory of environmental organizations for Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts and New Hampsire, Rhode Island, Vermont. 1973
Directory of environmental organizations for Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont. 1981
Directory of European environmental organizations 1993
Directory of members and foreign associates. 0
Directory of Texas and national health promotion resources 2002
Directory of Water Resources Research Faculty at University of Minnesota and State and Private Colleges in Minnesota. 1973
Ecotopia : the notebooks and reports of William Weston / 1990
Encyclopedia of associations : an associations unlimited reference : a guide to more than 22,000 national and international organizations ... / 2003
Encyclopedia of associations : an associations unlimited reference : a guide to more than 23,000 national and international organizations ... / 1998
Encyclopedia of associations : an associations unlimited reference : a guide to more than 23,000 national and international organizations ... / 2000
Encyclopedia of associations a guide to over 30,000 national and international organizations... / 1989
Encyclopedia of associations. 1961
Encyclopedia of associations. International organizations. 1989
Environment encyclopedia and directory. 1994
Environment, Inc. : from grassroots to beltway / 2005
Environmental compliance and pollution prevention technical assistance directory for printers : New York City. 1997
Environmental guidebook : a selective reference guide to environmental organizations and related entities / 2002
Environmental Information Resources for State and Local Elected Officials. General Reference Guide. 1977
Environmental Information Resources for State and Local Elected Officials. Solid Waste. 1977
Environmental Information Resources for State and Local Officials. Surface Mining. 1977
Environmental information sources handbook. 1974
Environmental organizations directory : 1983. 1983
Environmental profiles a global guide to projects and people / 1993
Environmental programmes of intergovernmental organizations, with special reference to the sphere of interest of the chemical industry / 1978
Environmental sourcebook 1992
EurekAlert!'s science sources 2006 : a directory of public information officers / 2006
Final report. 1958
Global 500 the roll of honour for environmental achievement. 0
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