Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Slurries)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A quality assurance program for the EPA/Shawnee wet limestone scrubber demonstration program / 1976
Abatement of Mine Drainage Pollution by Underground Precipitation. 1973
Absorption of SO2 by Alkaline Solutions in Venturi Scrubber Systems. 1973
Absorption of SO2 into Lime Slurries: Absorption Rates and Kinetics. 1973
Absorption of sulfur dioxide in spray column and turbulent contacting absorbers / 1975
Advanced Waste Treatment Performance Evaluation: Summary Report. 1984
Advanced Waste Water Treatment Using Powdered Activated Carbon in Recirculating Slurry Contactor-Clarifiers. 1970
Alternating Current Electrocoagulation for Superfund Site Remediation. 1993
Alternative daily cover materials for municipal solid waste landfills / 1992
Alternatives for hazardous waste management in the metals smelting and refining industries / 1977
An assessment of wet systems for residential refuse collection : summary report / 1974
Anaerobic-Aerobic Lagoon Treatment of Dairy Manure Wastes. 1974
Analysis and simulation of recycle SO2-lime slurry in TCA scrubber system / 1977
Assessment of barrier containment technologies : a comprehensive treatment for environmental remediation applications / 1995
Assessment of coal cleaning technology : first annual report / 1978
Assessment of instrumentation for monitoring coal flowrate and composition / 1979
Automated Control: A Review and Applications in Industrial Environmental Protection. 1983
Bench scale studies of limestone injection for SO2 control : final report / 1985
Biodegradation of Cresol Isomers in Anoxic Aquifers. 1987
Bioremediation of hazardous wastes : research, development, and field evaluations / 1995
Bioremediation of hazardous wastes : research, development, and field evaluations, 1993 / 1993
Bioremediation of hazardous wastes : research, development, and field evaluations, 1994 / 1994
Buffer additives for lime/limestone slurry scrubbing synthesis, mass transfer, and degradation {MICROFICHE} 1984
Chlorine absorption in S(IV) solutions [electronic resource] / 2001
Combined Chemical and Biological Oxidation of Slurry Phase Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 1995
Comparison of Pilot Data with Predictions from the U.S. EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) SPRAYMOD Computer Program. 1986
Conceptual design of a commercial scale pilot plant for chemical desulfurization of coal / 1975
Construction quality control and post-construction performance verification for the Gilson Road hazardous waste site cutoff wall / 1987
Cost of landspreading and hauling sludge from municipal wastewater treatment plants : case studies. 1977
Cost of retrofitting coke oven particulate controls / 1974
Current Status of ADVACATE Process for Flue Gas Desulfurization. 1991
Definitive SOx control process evaluations : limestone, double-alkali, and citrate FGD processes / 1979
Definitive SOx control process evaluations : limestone, lime, and magnesia FGD processes / 1980
Demonstration of the separation and disposal of concentrated sediments / 1974
Design and evaluation of tailings dams : technical report / 1994
Development of Aqueous Processes for Removing NOx from Flue Gases-Addendum. 1973
Development of superior entrainment separators / 1979
Economic Analysis of the Phosphate Subcategory of the Fertilizer Manufacturing Industry: Louisiana Phosphoric Acid Plants, July 1986. 1986
Economic Analysis of the Processing and Disposal of Refuse Sludges. 1974
Economic Impact of Surface Mining on Drinking Water: Cost Analysis of Contaminated Household Drinking Water Supplies. 2014
Effects of Surface Irrigation with Dairy Manure Slurries on the Quality of Groundwater and Surface Runoff. 1973
Effects of Temperature and Redox Conditions on Degradation of Chlorinated Phenols in Freshwater Sediments. 1988
Effects on Runoff, Groundwater, and Land of Irrigating with Cattle Manure Slurries. 1973
Environmental assessment of a coal/water slurry fired industrial boiler / 1986
Environmental Assessment of a Coal/Water Slurry Fired Industrial Boiler. Volume 2. Data Supplement. 1986
Environmental assessment of a firetube boiler firing coal/oil/water mixtures : Volume 1. Technical results / 1984
Environmental assessment of a firetube boiler firing coal/oil/water mixtures : Volume 2. Data supplement / 1984
Environmental assessment of a watertube boiler firing a coal-water slurry / 1986
Environmental Assessment of a Watertube Boiler Firing a Coal-Water Slurry. Volume 2. Data Supplement. 1986
Environmental technology initiative : chemical-free cleaning of semiconductors by the radiation process / 1998
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